You’re What You Eat… So What Did You Eat Last Week ?

I’m sure we have all heard of the saying you’re what you eat right ?

We must not forget this because it’s so true & it’s vital that we all get this right for a better quality of life.

That’s mind, body & soul… If I just said weight loss, that would be short-changing you.

You see everything you consume effects those three sources. 


Food changes your mood, so would it not be wise to eat food that makes the mind positive long term, and is known to make you happier in the long term, vs short term trash that is negative and gives you a sugar high and then drowns you in under an hour?

Over time eating trash that is no good for your makes you less happy, which then makes you want to do less in life which makes you move less which gains pounds no ?

Can have you so down and depressed, that it  makes you want to eat more than you need no ?  Which leads to weight gain no ? (The reverse of not eating can happen obs too).

When the mind & body is down and out this hurts your soul and even those with the strongest of faith fall, because the weight of the mind and body is too much for it to handle daily.

However once you get the food that you eat fresh over and over again, that’s your mind focused & your body healthy… So what are the chances your soul is going to be messed up?

It can happen, but I’d rather have 2 out of 3 then 1 out of 3 you feel me?  

As the French  lawyer Anthelme Brillat-savarin once said  Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es (Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are)…

If you half-arse your health we can tell and no excuses you can find will cover it up, at least don’t lie to yourself!

If you don’t want it that’s on you, I’d rather be honest with me then to b.s myself and waste my own time on something I don’t really want.

Now let’s focus on those of you that do want this and are eating healthier than before.  

I will say this you need to know what it is you’re eating and drinking daily, It’s an issue if you cannot tell me what you had last week Tuesday for dinner in my eyes why?

Because you should be aware just like spending you have a bank account  to see everything you purchased or given away, it should be the same for what you eat and drink…


If you don’t know how much water you have drank over the course of the day, but your goal is to lose weight you’re then just hoping that you do rather than knowing that if I drink X amount of water in the many months to come I will lose Y amount.

Those of you that are feeling like you want to quit too I can assure you do not track anything, because your mind scoreboards suck!

What do we always say about writing down how you feel?

It always good to take it from your mind to the page, it makes you feel better right?

So why would you not do that for what you eat and drink, it keeps you on top of things so when your mind tells you rubbish you can put it in check for the over thinkers too.

To have a rough idea is not wise, and you should push to do more/ask for help if need be, to have a good idea is going to start you off in the right direction, to be crystal will give you confidence that even through slip ups or
unexpected things’ life throws at you, that you’ve got this because the facts of your labour is down for you to read or see if you rather take pictures.

I can say this with my chest out and my head up because I can tell you what I ate 24 hours ago, last week, last month, last year &  8 years ago on this exact day because it’s all in stone… Easy work!

It’s one less thing for me to concern myself with, I’m not saying you have to write it down every day for years and years like me, what I am saying is you need to have some idea and for it to be put down.

To be honest with you, you could take it like this… You’ll be willing to write up letters & spreadsheets for your boss day in and day out, write up texts for your friends & write a whole story about how someone did you wrong on social daily but not your health that is for yourself ?

I hope you can see what I’m saying here as we can do something about this, and for everyone who is making some form of notes and is saying they want to be healthy and doing what needs to be done take a bow!

It’s never too late to take care of you if you are reading this, make the notes that are really important for your own health and get out of the dark & what others are doing..


As I’ll tell you one thing, you will be ahead of the game if you take this habit up and your results will last you a lot longer than these fly-by-night wins that turn to L’s because they have no foundation.

Di Nutrition is the fountain of health & my water is the ever flowing elixir of life… All organic no Nicholas Flamel!  

That’s It 

I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…

  What Did You Make Of All This?

Are You Willing To Track Down What You Consume?


If You Were A Food What Would You Be?


   Until We Meet Again, Ciao

  We Look Up 大

Karim David

The Healthy One



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Brice Fox
Brice Fox
3 years ago


Caden Wilson
Caden Wilson
3 years ago

I’m going all in

Eli Russell
Eli Russell
3 years ago

Thanks for this one really good.

Cory Webb
Cory Webb
3 years ago

Yes I will track down what I eat.

Alexis Sharp
Alexis Sharp
3 years ago

Thank you so much for the share, I loved this also.

Addison Sipp
Addison Sipp
3 years ago


Gene Lilly
Gene Lilly
3 years ago

I’m going to try my best to do this.

Charlie Bennett
Charlie Bennett
3 years ago

Chris sent me here.

Blair Jones
Blair Jones
3 years ago

Apple lol.

George Watts
George Watts
3 years ago

Loving this each week bro!

Val May
Val May
3 years ago

Yes I am

Lee Price
Lee Price
3 years ago

Damn you wasn’t joking when you said you was the healthy one.

Amy Cunningham
Amy Cunningham
3 years ago


Ali Khan
Ali Khan
3 years ago


Leigh Sharp
Leigh Sharp
3 years ago

This sounds painful to me.

Marley Parker
Marley Parker
3 years ago

I will start putting it down asap.

Rene Thomas
Rene Thomas
3 years ago

I can’t see myself no but I get the point.

Carmen Kennedy
Carmen Kennedy
3 years ago


Reed Spencer
Reed Spencer
3 years ago


Ashley Bell
Ashley Bell
3 years ago


Lela Delmestrel
Lela Delmestrel
3 years ago


Shalonna Elough
Shalonna Elough
3 years ago


Briona Orde
Briona Orde
3 years ago

This was really good.

Rashona Crymble
Rashona Crymble
3 years ago


Tiana Kinkead
Tiana Kinkead
3 years ago


Eve Maydlow
Eve Maydlow
3 years ago

Loving everything on your site Karim, learning a lot since I found you.

Lanecia Bogle
Lanecia Bogle
3 years ago

Chris sent me here!

Shandee Price
Shandee Price
3 years ago

I appreciate this thank you.

Amber Shipton
Amber Shipton
3 years ago


Malene Davis
Malene Davis
3 years ago


Rachel Francis
Rachel Francis
3 years ago


Taisha Battersby
Taisha Battersby
3 years ago

Thankful that I saw this.

Jo Gulian
Jo Gulian
3 years ago


Tyshell Shipton
Tyshell Shipton
3 years ago


Adelaide Wynter
Adelaide Wynter
3 years ago

Peach I think!

Shekeia Moran
Shekeia Moran
3 years ago


Quanesia Waddle
Quanesia Waddle
3 years ago

Yes this is facts, It’s time to move my lazy ass.

Ruby Storrow
Ruby Storrow
3 years ago

This is really good info.

Tiana Watson
Tiana Watson
3 years ago


Ella Cyrus
Ella Cyrus
3 years ago

Sou sent me here.