I’ve been asked a lot recently “I know you encourage us to have health goals, but what about health resolutions?” or “What are your resolutions this year?” Now it’s thanks to all of you why I’ve been inspired to create this for you guys/girls.
My answer to these questions are… What about Health resolutions?/ None whatsoever because resolutions suck. I promise the rest of this won’t be so blunt… the depth is below.
So without further ado here is why you should set goals & forget resolutions.
The Thing With Resolutions
As you know at the start of every New Year it is tradition to be pondering about the future, and all we want to accomplish in the months that lie ahead.
Many of you around the end of December (Click Here) convinced yourselves that you were going to be committed, which I cannot knock and is a good start.
Where the issue lies is that the focus tends to be a lot on what we don’t want to do rather than what you actually want to do. That along with the fact that there is no real plan on how to sustain a resolution for the latter months, let alone a whole entire year!
There is no depth with a resolution it’s a few worded bad speech for most of you. Some of you will write them down, though again there is no depth e.g
“ I want to learn a language”
You see how resolutions has become like wishing… you just say something and then only do it for a bit or worse just wait for something to happen, then of course nothing happens.
Lastly if that wasn’t enough for you, the fact that it’s tagged as “New Year’s Resolution”( As if this is the only time you can set them) is not very helpful, and very misleading.
What Should I do Instead?
You Should Set Goals & Forget Resolutions. Dedicate the time and put your full effort towards setting yourself goals, and taking action towards them daily… then evaluate and make the adjustments if necessary.
Below are some tips to help you with your goal setting.
Why Are You Doing This?– This is a serious questions you need to ask yourself (Click Here), “why do I want to set myself health goals?” “Why do I want to set myself any goals?” “Why am I doing this ?” and each answer will be different of course.
It’s important to know the real reason why you are doing this, because you’ll be spending a huge chunk of your time, if not all of it on your goals.
So if this sounds like too much for you, or you just don’t want to commit to it because of whatever excuse then this isn’t for you… & if below abysmal, low or mediocre living is how you want to bow out then I’m not going to argue with you.
But on the other hand if you are committed, have a strong reason why you will be spending so much time on your goals and are willing to take action right away (Right now) you will really go far in this and achieve so much in a lifetime.
Remember it’s people who don’t know why and have low drive, who spend their every waking day in pain… that’s both physically and mentally. Don’t let the why haunt you for the rest of your life, find out and take action either way, or you’ll regret it.
Have Depth… Go DEEP- You know when I said before about finding out why you are doing this, well to find this you need to go deep within yourself. Be very specific so that you can actually see yourself progress in your goals, you can cross them out as you go when you’ve completed them.
What will then happen from the being so specific and going so deep with your goals is habit change, and then achievement… then over time a lot more achievement and on and on.
When you’re immersed into your goals that deep and you’re crossing them off, you’ll gain confidence also and go bigger and bolder than you’ve ever done before in your life.
Plan Out What You Are Doing- Once we have them we tend to think about our goals a lot, but it’s important to have written or typed out somewhere. Simply just retained in your brain is no good at all, that’s that resolution habit we want out of you, as what will happen is you will forget about it.
You have to understand this is not forgetting an item at the shops, this is your goals and if it means anything to you it will be written or typed out for you to see, recommit to and work towards daily.
The fun part is if you like to break down your goals into smaller pieces you can do, rather than having the ultimate result you want at the end, you can break it down from yearly to monthly to weekly to daily… in fact for most of you this is the way to go.
I would most certainly encourage having daily goals along with your longer goals, this way you will see how much you are achieving on a daily basis and will build up your self confidence and belief.
Set A Deadline- As scary as this may sound to a lot of you there really needs to be a deadline set in place. If it’s just up in the air with no date, it’s really nothing more than a wish just wrapped a little better than a resolution.
Deadlines force you to think about what it will take to accomplish your goals, I know that this will encourage you to think deeper because now you are required to take immediate steps, as there is an allotted time towards getting from where you are to where you want to be in the future.
I find it also helps priorities the most important things to be done first, and drop the not so important things to the back of the line. Deadlines will also push you in the long run, because you’ll want to have it done at that point… when you do hit it exactly when you planned it, you will feel that more grateful and happy you decided to set a deadline.
Make Adjustments- In life it’s inevitable you’re going to have to make adjustments, goals are no different. And this really goes hand in hand with what I was saying about deadlines, so say you don’t quite make the deadline you had set then what? You change the deadline!
Yes it’s that simple, your life doesn’t end because you missed the deadline… all you do is make adjustments and set another one. Over time in the course of the year you may find out that the goals you have for you health are no longer what you want anymore, rather than just sticking to them… just because, I advise you make the adjustment to suit where you want to go in your life.
It could be as simple as one of your daily goals where you decided that you have to be somewhere today and for whatever reason you decided you’re better off focusing on being somewhere else… make the adjustments.
Just because it’s written does not mean it’s set in stone, never forget that you can change it.
Where Is Your Accountability? – If you just keep your goals to yourself and nobody knows about them it’s easy to say “oh well” and then go away from your goals.
If you tell at least one person about your goals this will hold you accountable to someone, it makes it that much more real…
Plus you’ve put it out there into the atmosphere to be manifested providing you’re still putting in the work (Of course you are). Another good way is writing a definitive chief aim or a statement and keeping that with you.
Letting yourself know about what you are doing,with the date you decided to make the decision and of course the deadline day for you to achieve your goals. This will also stop you from falling off by you keeping it with you and reading it often or daily if your fire needs reigniting after you rise out of bed every morning… or afternoon.
As you can see now there are many benefits to having goals than simply making a resolution. We’ve discovered that goals direct your focus and attention. Providing you set deadlines and go deep and know your why. They help you become more persistent with your targets, even when things are not going so well.
We’ve found that they increase your self-confidence and belief too. With a plan of action and having some accountability this really will get you to your health goals or any type of goals you set yourself, at any time of year.
That’s It!
I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…
What do you make of all this?
What are your goals you want to achieve?
What was the biggest lesson you learned here ?
What is stopping you from taking action right now?
Of course Any other questions are always welcome just leave a comment below
Until Then Ciao
We Look Up 大
This is very helpful thanks alot.
Your welcome Noah 🙂
Hey Karim! I love this. My Goal is To lose weight as I’ve got problems breathing. I also want to do this because I miss playing Tennis, or being good at it because of my weight.
Thank you for sharing with me your goal, I’m willing to help you out too… Contact my support team ASAP & will have you on that court playing great again Molly 🙂
This is so true ❤️ “In life it’s inevitable you’re going to have to make adjustments, goals are no different.”
Glad it connected with you Marissa ❤️ 🙂
This is really wonderful. I’m using my time now more wisely to make better decisions;this is one of them.
Love & Respect To You Ava 🙂
Karim you are the business mate.
🙂 Lola ❤️
Best article I’ve read this year so far! 👏🏼
I love that you think so Alexis… Thank you 🙂
Thank you for explaining I’ve always wondered what you was talking about goals.
No problem Jessie 🙂
Epic read Karim ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼
Glad you find it epic Teagan:)
I’m quite fearful about doing things I’ve never done before. But I take your points on board.
I like this 🙂
Well that was unexpected.
thank you for sharing this information.
Love it Karim I love it
Thank you for the love Eugenio 🙂
Your very smart for someone so young 🙂
Ahaha Lucien 🙂
this is powerful and really moved me thank you.
Thank you Benjamin 🙂
Love this 👍🏻
My goal is to become wealthy sorry if that sounds shallow.
My goal for 2017 is to simply play as much as possible. I work so hard but never really have any time for myself or social life.
At the moment, my goal is to finish Bachelor’s degree in Business. The rest of my goals it to make sure that my family that lives in America is living healthy and happy life, and I want to take care of them and help as much as I can.
Thanks for sharing your goals Apu, I appreciate you 🙂
A goal that I have is that I want to go to college to get a Bachelors degree in Graphics. Then start working on a charity all to do with breast cancer 🙂
I want to do something good in this world, and my biggest goal is to leave a positive impact on this earth. I know that there will always be bad people that would harm others, but we should all get together and fight for the piece and future that is filled with gratefulness, gratitude and love.
Take the steps for yourself to find out what you want to do first… others will come along the way, once they feel you 🙂
I love how you talk about getting deep with your self, Your spot on about that.
I really liked this 🙂
This has made my day, I’m writing up some goals now.
Yes Kian Go Get It! 🙂
Superman though 🤣
Hilarious Karim 🙂
Great post 🤘
Glad you think so! Thanks for the comment Jamal… We Look Up 大
my goal is to travel the world! you’ve motivate me to stop being lazy and plan it all out.
I’m so happy to hear this man 🙂 This just shows I was right to listen to all of you who wanted this post… We Look Up 大
Karim this is awesome 💪🏻👆🏻👊🏻
Thank you Mike 🙂
My goals at the moment is to improve my physical health (while maintaining my currently quite good level of mental health)
This motivation keeps the ball rolling- and helps me with confidence too, thank you.
Your welcome Mitra… I’m glad it’s helping you in this way 🙂
Have more confidence
– Get ok GCSE’s I guess
– Become happier
– Write more
– Read more
– Exercise more and loose some weight
Dress how I want to dress and Exercise more.
Get a better job
Get a new car
Save more money
Go to several car shows
More confidence, not allow people to bring me down, lose weight, start learning how to drive, get good grades, be more positive but keep myself to myself more and not be to annoying :)👍🏼
Thanks for sharing your goals with us Danielle 🙂
This was my fav..”If you tell at least one person about your goals this will hold you accountable to someone, it makes it that much more real”
This was a good one… thanks for letting me know Cole, I appreciate you 🙂
– Spend more time with my family
– Be more decisive and not to constantly hold myself back from voicing my thoughts
– Develop my organisational skills- particularly with getting myself ahead in school
– Try to attend a couple of science/ maths events ^^
– Smile more 🙂
Thank you for letting me know what your goals are Tai… Make sure to be detailed too 🙂
This is very nice work.
my goals are to do with our environment, I’ve got to really get detailed though.
I agree with you this is very helpful.
Just because it’s written does not mean it’s set in stone is this not the truth my friend.
I have short term and long term goals, once I reach the short term, I make a new one, and extend my long term 🙂
I see Eldert 🙂 thanks for sharing how you approach your goals… We Look Up 大
you should always want to do better today than you did
My biggest take away was to get real with my goals because I’m thinking way too small.
Well I’m glad you finally discovered you are capable of so much more Rudie… thanks for letting us know 🙂
I really liked this part”Deadlines force you to think about what it will take to accomplish your goals”.
I’m going to set deadlines now to my goals.
I love your article and I really appreciate the way you have delivered the message here.
Aw thank you so much Minna… I appreciate the love 🙂
This really helped me thanks.
Getting back on track with everything. I miss setting them.
To hand in my rental application and start being processed for an apartment.
My goal has been to focus on eating healthier, specifically by being less lazy and actually cooking instead of ordering food and drinking iced tea instead of diet soda. It’s going really well so far and I’m pretty happy about it! 🙂
Great article Karim 🙂
Thank You Trey 🙂