Why We Should Be Eating More Pineapples?

This is the Sixth in a month’s worth of fruit-based content to encourage you to eat more fruits daily.

Instead of going for the junk food on autopilot, why not go for Pineapples instead?


 Let’s get into it below!


My Case

Pineapples are picking up a bit now in terms of it being seen as a fruit to eat whenever Vs just in the summertime/going away on holiday to a hot climate. 


Many of my Di1’s like me keep a food diary, which is just a record of everything they eat from breakfast to dinner & snacks in-between….


What I’ve noticed from all of them is the Pineapple intakes have increased, I’m seeing November, December,

January etc, these are the ones in the colder climates too.. Which was not the norm five years ago.


If we look at it globally too, Pineapples are actually being cut open and eaten Vs just as decor for the table….

To pretend you’re eating good/looking to put that in a cocktail, at a house party.


So that’s good, but there is still a long way to go, this is a fruit that should be in all homes for sure!


Pineapples have antioxidants in them which help aid boosting immunities, digestion, helps with workout recovery etc.


It’s something I know a lot of you love to eat, so instead of suffering eating it on a pizza & then moaning about it.. 

online LMAO! Go buy it fresh and make it a go to fruit just like Apples, Bananas & Oranges are.


Once again it’s healthy for you, it’s sweet for those of you with a sweet tooth, there is ZERO need to be eating such trash like sweets and chocolates, when you can buy Pineapples. 


My case is done, now it’s over to you.

Thank You For Reading!


I’m leaving that to the jury.. Which is all of YOU?


Let me know in the comments, if this is a fruit you will eat more of or not.


 Put I’ll eat or I won’t eat in the comment section.


   Until We Meet Again, Ciao

 We Look Up

Karim David 

The Healthy One 

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Keenan Robinson
Keenan Robinson
2 years ago

Massive fan of them, I’m eating them as a go to since the pandemic.

Kenard Poole
Kenard Poole
2 years ago

I’ll eat !

Randy Pettygrove
Randy Pettygrove
2 years ago

I’ll eat

Jarrick Lively
Jarrick Lively
2 years ago

I’m a regular eater of pineapple, but I do hope others start eating them more often.

Jarmarr Hoy
Jarmarr Hoy
2 years ago

I’ll eat them!

Noah Sadler
Noah Sadler
2 years ago

I’m in!

Keon Morgan
Keon Morgan
2 years ago

I’ll eat

Janile Chaddock
Janile Chaddock
2 years ago

Thanks for the share.

Kaynard Long
Kaynard Long
2 years ago

Very good job!

Jenell Moody
Jenell Moody
2 years ago

Yes, I will do it.

Gardenia Murdoch
Gardenia Murdoch
2 years ago

Pineapples are so lovely, I will start!

Alisha Uniacke
Alisha Uniacke
2 years ago

I’ll eat

Shakeia Kelly
Shakeia Kelly
2 years ago

I’m very happy to be already eating it, but I will eat evenmore.

Lela Orrack
Lela Orrack
2 years ago

I’ll eat!

Koyana Wood
Koyana Wood
2 years ago

Thank you for this one!

Laketta Desti
Laketta Desti
2 years ago

I’ll eat them.

Shannel Eubanks
Shannel Eubanks
2 years ago

Thanks for the share!

Lesia Renouf
Lesia Renouf
2 years ago

I’ll eat!

Naomi Raughtwell
Naomi Raughtwell
2 years ago

Thanks for the share, I’ll eat.

John Lee
John Lee
2 years ago

I’m fully into my health and I will start eating pineapples more!

Shakeina Tilford
Shakeina Tilford
2 years ago

Thanks bro!

Sheba Mendes
Sheba Mendes
2 years ago

Rob sent me here.

Tanesa Elliot
Tanesa Elliot
2 years ago

I’ll eat, I’m enjoying it all this year.

Sharonda Guyot
Sharonda Guyot
2 years ago

I’ll eat!!!

Ruby Tyrell
Ruby Tyrell
2 years ago

Chris sent me here.

Isobel Ronaldson
Isobel Ronaldson
2 years ago

Ty so much for the share.

Brie Matthews
Brie Matthews
2 years ago

I’ll eat!

Isobel Hogsflesh
Isobel Hogsflesh
2 years ago

I will eat.

Aiesha Bethune
Aiesha Bethune
2 years ago

I’ll eat!

Shad Wazir
Shad Wazir
2 years ago

I’ll eat & thank you for the share!

Radbod Turkhel
Radbod Turkhel
2 years ago

I do have a sweet tooth, So I’m taking this advice 😂

Mehrvand Sheikh
Mehrvand Sheikh
2 years ago

Pineapples I can deal with, I’ll eat.

Samir Basra
Samir Basra
2 years ago

Ryan sent me here!

Irfaan Wadeyla
Irfaan Wadeyla
2 years ago

I’ll eat 🙂

Kaptan Kambarzahi
Kaptan Kambarzahi
2 years ago

I’ll eat!

Hur Hesbani
Hur Hesbani
2 years ago

I’m saying yes.

Varlik Chachar
Varlik Chachar
2 years ago

I’ll eat

Maazin Sangrasi
Maazin Sangrasi
2 years ago

I’ll eat em.