This is the fourth in a month’s worth of Veg-based content to encourage you to eat more Vegetables daily.
Instead of going for the junk food on autopilot, why not go for some Courgettes/Zucchinis instead?
Let’s get into it below!
My Case
I know a lot of you know this vegetable as Zucchini, but where I’m from we call it courgette… So I’m running with that from now!
Courgette is a part of the Cucurbitacee fam and is related to veg like cucumbers & melon.
We tend to cook this like a veg, but really botanically speaking it’s a fruit!
So you’re getting the best of both worlds when you eat a courgette.
It’s been used in medicine to cure colds and aches/pains too, so eating them will help your body become stronger.
Courgettes have many minerals and vitamins in them…
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin K
Vitamin B6
They are rich in water and fibre, yet low in calories…
These combos are very good as it can help reduce your hunger and help you feel full, which tends to lead to weight loss!
Courgettes are very easy and versatile, that you can add it to your meals. You can eat it cooked or raw, with no issues of getting sick.
My case is done, now it’s over to you.
Thank You For Reading!
I’m leaving that to the jury.. which is all of YOU!
Let me know in the comments, if this is a veg you will eat more of or not.
Put I’ll eat or I won’t eat in the comment section.
Until We Meet Again, Ciao
We Look Up 大
I’m in! I always make my own mayo on top of it, with all the herbs. I need to start cooking both more.
It’s good that you’re in!
Oh cool, Yeah get on it, it’s much better to make your own mayo ofc too, it’s really healthy vs those supermarket ones! = )
Thanks for sharing that with us!
I’m down for it, these are ones I can stomach!
Haha, glad that you are down!
I’m in.
Glad that you’re in!
Thank you for sharing this also!
I’m in!
Glad that you’re in!
Thank you for sharing also!
Thanks for the share!
Np at all!
Thank you for the share also!
I’m in.
= )
I will say yes.
Nice one Tony!
This is the first time I’m saying no, I hate the taste.
Aha, np 🙂
I overlooked these, I need to add them to my diet.
Please do 🙂
I’m in
Happy to hear that Tue
Thank you for the share also!
Appreciate the share.
You’re welcome
Np at all Diana!
Yes, I’m in.
= )
Nice one Dan!
I’m in!!!
= )
I’m in.
Nice = )
I’ll eat.
= )
I’ll eat.
Nice one Nina
Thank you for the share also!
I’ll eat ❤
Cool Anne!
Thanks for the love as per!
Thank you for the share also = )
I’ll eat.
= )
I try to eat this everyday.
Try means you fail to do yk, but I get you… If you get this one habit down, more will pour… Trust 💪🏿
Thank you for letting us know tho!
Oh yea, also for the share too, I just seen it = )
I’m in!
Glad that you’re in
Thank you so much for sharing this also!
I’ll eat💖
Nice one Hina!
Thanks for letting us know = )
My mother use to feed me this when I was kid, I need to start getting these again.
Aw, I love that!
Yes please do!
Thank you for sharing that story about your mother also = )