This message just might change you & your body for life.. are you ready?
I will never sell you a fake dream, one which would only benefit me and soon turn into a nightmare for you!
You may hear many others within the industry selling you a dream that you actually have a choice on exactly which areas on your body you can shed excess weight from first.. I see how you can fall for that because it seems to make sense right?
You want to get rid of a troublesome spot on your thighs so you take up Jogging/Running. Carrying an extra load around the midsection? Must be time to go “HAM” on the sit-ups and then some planks after you’re done (Click Here)
Well the truth is that’s a lie. It was never true to begin with, all that does is insure you stay on the program for life. You’ll sweat and go through pain.. it is a workout after all! But what you wanted will always be in the distance, you may even blame yourself.. well I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault.
The human body is a very complicated organism and we don’t get to choose where we lose or gain weight. I know that many of my Di1’s can relate to this; that the first place you put fat on is more often than not the last place it comes off at!
So Let’s get something straight here if the grass is greener on the other side that’s because that grass is artificial.
The shortcut doesn’t exist and only sounds appealing and mouth watering to those that say they want it.. but don’t do anything due to laziness, fear, not been able to light up the fire within themselves because they’re just not sure what they’re actually capable of truly doing (Click Here)
The truth is, achieving change will only come when you change and start making moves however big or small on a daily basis. If you’re thinking it’s a diet, you’ve already lost and need to know It’s not a diet you’re after because that’s short term, a suckers game and if you’re here you’re no sucker.. You’re here for the long term results and to be healthy for life.. So it’s a lifestyle.
They don’t feel you can handle the truth that this is about Belief, Heart, Healthy eating, Working out (Mind, Body & Soul), Great Sleep, Dedication and acceptance that this will take time.. and if you’ve already lost the weight and want to be healthy from now until death, well this is for life if you want it.
They sell you a quick fix because many of you believe that this is a fast solution, you may have already bounced from program to program, product to product.. how did that go for you?
The difference between those companies that do that and Di Nutrition is quite simple, they have no interest or care for you, all they want is your money!
They have failed you if you’ve become bigger in weight when they are meant to be giving you tips and advice on how to lose weight, whereas at Di Nutrition all we do is burn that fat to never be found again.
One of the reasons you don’t see me promoting any pills or powders for you to take is because that stuff will leave you sicker than when you first arrived on this site. It pains me to see people everyday give up on their Weight loss goals and dreams because they were sold a fake dream that turned into a nightmare.
So forget spot reduction and all that nonsense and just know that the target is not just the head shot, it’s the whole body you’ve got to shoot up everything to see any real results.
If you’ve not read this already I’d love for you to do so because this right here will set you on the right path to a wealthy body (Click Here)
Lastly I wanted to cover some exercise methods and explain the benefits because these will attack your whole body, and the best part is you can do them right away.. here they are below.
Certified Workout Methods That Actually Work For Weight Loss
High- intensity Workouts and exercises that engage your whole body..( because the whole body, remember is the target), has been shown to be the most effective at shedding the pounds…period.
Have a look at these..
Cardiovascular exercise (AKA Cardio): This is of course anything such as Running, Jogging and Cycling. Uses the large muscle groups and has been shown time after time to be as effective as torching calories like it’s the opening ceremony at the Olympics. It’s also good at melting away belly fat that is really stubborn.
High- Intensity Interval Training (AKA HIIT): HIIT involves you performing short periods of intense activity immediately followed by a recovery period, then you go again. You’ve got to have heart for this if you’re not yet fit because this is real work, don’t let the short periods fool you, this is will HIIT you both mentally and physically. In fact I would go as far as to say this will show how badly you want your weight loss goals.. Yeah it’s that real.
HIIT is more effective at burning fat than cardio why? Because HIIT will burn your fat like you’re the Human torch from the fantastic four..
Whole-Body Exercise: They are all whole-body exercises but this one will really help. You can Google this one straight away and get going. Exercises such as Burpees have been shown to burn more calories and lead to more fat loss than just simply targeting muscles for so- called toning, lol.
Combining The Exercises: Now combining resistance training and cardiovascular (That includes HIIT) exercise has been shown to be way more effective at shedding the pounds than just focusing on one type of exercise.
If you aren’t able to participate in the activities listed above don’t worry, there are many other ways to effectively lose weight.
Low-Impact exercises like Swimming & Walking are just as effective and easy to get up and do.
I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…
What Do You Make Of All This?
Are Ready To Go All In For Your Weight Loss Goals?
What Exercises Are You Going To Do First?
Of course Any other questions are always welcome, just leave a comment below
Until Then Ciao
We Look Up 大
Thank you for keeping it real with me☺️
No worries man 🙂
Thank you Karim for this 🙂
You’re Welcome Connor
Great article I really felt this one.
I’m happy that you felt this 🙂
If it’s not Di Nutrition Then it’s 💀
This is why Di1’s like you are the best, What Can A Hater Do 🤷🏿♂️? Love you Penelope 👊🏿
I’m starting with the High- intensity workouts and then working my way down the list, thank you for being honest with us.
Ok Hajdu that sounds like a plan.. No problem 🙂
I’m really excited to try out the Whole body exercises.. You tube has loads I’m making a play list.
That’s great to know Biro I’m really happy for you 🙂
This was a transition in my mind to finally find out it’s everything not just the areas I want to lose in. Thank you for the tips and advice here.
I’m really happy this helped your mind out.. hey anytime Enika any time 🙂
I love this keep on spreading the truth 😘
Thank you Luciano I appreciate you/the love
Wow this was different! I always wondered why I couldn’t get any supplements here.
🤭 😎
Thank you for not being another business that sales fake dreams, I respect you for being honest.
Thank you Lucas that means a lot.
I really like these workouts I’m going to try them all.
What a guy thank you so much for this!
Jimar You’re Welcome 🙂
Thank God I had idea about any of this 🙌🏻
Indeed this why I do what I do, there’s someone who just didn’t know.. in this case you hehe, bless you Nicolette.
This has made me feel less insecure so I’m happy I read this. I’m going to start jogging and doing HIIT!
This was amazing thank you so much for sharing.
You’re Welcome Stella 🙂
This had me very emotional.. I lost my boyfriend thanks to crappy substances in the health industry 8 years ago, I can really feel you mean what you say here. This is so different because the truth really does stand out.
I’m so sorry to hear about your Boyfriend! Thank you so much for noticing that, I’m glad then that it stands out in this way for you 🙂
I’m ready to go on all of them as soon as my new trainers come in the morning 😁
The mail man cutting it fine aint he ? nearly noon Gabriel! 😱 😁
Wow this was really good thank you. I’m going to test all of them first and then decided for myself which one I’ll do first.
No problem Pat! I’m glad you liked it.. cool thanks for letting us know 🙂
Fantastically put your passion for this is evident, congratulations for speaking up my man!
Thanks Oliver 🙂
Love the fitness advice thank you so much.
You’re Welcome Don 🙂
Damn this was brilliant!
Thanks man 🙂
Your a true star Karim, keep shinning and speaking the truth we love you 🌟💜
Thank you for your kind words and the love Chey 😘
Today was my breakthrough I’m going to make the most of it. This is exactly what I needed to hear.. THANK YOU!
I’m really happy for you.. Bless you Louise 🙌🏿
I’m fully focused on my whole body now thanks to this! I was obsessed with my tummy; but now I know it’s the whole body, thank you for explaining it so well.
You’re welcome Dina.. this has made it worthwhile for me now 🙂
I respect you for calling it out for what it is. Hey I was wondering if you take any business request for your website ?
Thanks Marlon.. Go to “contact” and fire with your request.
Thanks for this! I’m working out this week 🙂
That’s really great Savvas 🙂 GO GET IT!
I found this to be very useful thank you.
I’m glad you find it that way.. You’re Welcome Savvas 🙂
Sick post Karim I’m doing jogging every morning.
Nicely said Karim I’m doing hill sprints after class because of you thanks.
Aha love ittttttt.. thanks for letting us know 🙂
Absolutely love the advice cheers 🙂
Happy you do Emily 🙂
I’m focusing more now on whole body workouts from now on, thanks for the tips.
You’re going to really piss off the health and fitness industry with this one😤
Amazinggg I’m really into my fitness now I’ve even start running after work 😍
From ear to ear 😁 WELL DONE YOU!
I’m glad you spoke up about this, I feel exactly the same way. Saying that though you’ve giving me so much pain with all these workouts lol.
Thank you 🤣🤣🤣
Love the message in this! Well done Karim 🙂
Thanks Glen That Means A Lot 🙂
I tried HIIT and it let’s just say it back fired because I wasn’t up to it. I’m going for the full body workout instead 😅
🤷🏿♂️ I did warn ya Marcel.. that sounds like a plan hahaha!
Visuals of what to do was a fine touch thanks.
I’m glad you think so Oscar it was no problem 🙂
I’m fully committed on working out yes.
Are you a Fan of Quantico ?
I don’t watch TV shows but I like Priyanka Chopra!
Cardio and full body workouts 🤗
Yeahhh Abril GO GET IT!
Dope 😝
Aha thank you Lauren 🙂
Exposing the lies I like it 🙂
Had to be done Adam.. Had to be done 🙂
I feel so unfit now Karim 😌 I’m going to do HIIT you know I’ve got the stamina for that 💪🏿
I want to see video evidence or I wont believe you! 😅😅😅 Best of luck my man J.J
I’m ready to make health my number 1 priority, I’m beginning with cardio.
Good Ben This Is What I Love To Hear.. Feel Free To Check Out Many More Of My Articles/Videos Which Will Help You Out On Your Health Journey.
Thanks for this 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
You’re Welcome Linda 🙂
I feel like the blindfolds have been removed from my eyes. Thanks for your message and tips😲
This was very good keep it up Karim.
Thank you Dimitri I’ll do my best!
How did you find HIIT when you first started ?
Great question Joseph! It was a long time ago but I remember thinking it was going to be easy because it was short.. but it packs a real punch! The stamina was not an issue because my workouts are tailored for that, but it for sure pushed me and my stamina has increased because of it. Hey thanks for making me think up some found memories I appreciate it/you for the that 🙂
Speaking the truth 💜
You know it Kerry 😉