So only a month left until winter arrives, but its still not to late to eat some Fall foods that are also optimal for a healthy diet. Here are Five Top Fall Foods that will benefit you if you get eating them right away.
Apples- You know what they say an Apple a day keeps the doctor away! This delicious fruit contains pectin (type of fibre) shown to help lower LDL (aka bad cholesterol) In addition, as you may know apples count as part of your five a day.
Sweet Potatoes– This tasty tuber Is packed with vitamin A and potassium. A medium sweet potato contains 155% the recommend daily value of vitamin A, an antioxidant responsible for healthy eyes and hair. Potassium is another key mineral found in sweet potatoes and helps your muscles work efficiently.
Pears- This fall fruit is bursting with health benefits. Pears provide a healthy dose of antioxidant-rich vitamin C. At about 5 grams per medium fruit, pears are also a valuable source of fibre, which can help to maintain a healthy gut.
Brussels Sprouts- Packed with vitamin K and folate, Brussels sprouts are a must for your fall menu. This veggi is loaded with Vitamin K, which provides important blood clotting and bone strengthening functions. Folate is necessary for neural tube development (which is part of the brain and spinal cord), making Brussels sprouts a great choice for expectant mothers.
Pumpkin Seeds- Pumpkins are of course a classic hit at Halloween, but the seeds are even better. A one- ounce serving ( about 85 seeds) are relatively low in carbs with only 15 grams. They also carry a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, including zinc, which is necessary for a healthy immune system.