The Top 4 Gluten-Free Pastas That Your Tummy Will Thank Me For


This is for all of my Di’1s that love pasta! but are going Gluten-free. If however you Β just love regular pasta and you’re not going Gluten-free then skip this and (Click Here).

Now I know there are many of you who have no choice but to be Gluten-free everything because of Celiac disease or just very sensitive to Gluten, which in the process you had to give up on your fav dish (Yes I read the comments).. well I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to give up on your fav dishes.

I’ve got for you, the top 4 Gluten-free pastas that your tummy will thank me for. Β Β 


Chickpea Pasta

Chickpea pasta is a new type of Gluten-free pasta which you may not have heard of until now, it got a lot of buzz and was spoken about highly of by other health experts.

There is a company called Β β€œBanza” and they were founded in 2013, and they sell Chickpea Pasta.

I’ve actually eaten it before and it tastes very much like Pasta, the only difference really is, it has the flavour of chickpeas and is more chewy too.

The good news is that it’s very high in fibre and packs 7g’s of it, also it has 13 g’s of protein.

Protein and fibre leave you feeling fuller for longer (Click Here) and can help reduce the amount of food you eat during the day (BECAUSE YOU’RE FULL)

Which helps you with your weight management (Click Here put a link to fibre foods). Β 


Β Quinoa Pasta

Quinoa Pasta is the go-to Gluten-free Β substitute for the majority of Pasta eaters, but if you’re not familiar with Quinoa Pasta then you should know that it’s blended from Quinoa with other corn and rice and other grains.

It tastes really nice and has a grainy texture to it.

Quinoa is a whole grain and has many health benefits (Click Here)

It has all of the nine essential amino acids that your body needs Β (Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, and Valine)

Quinoa is also a great source for other Vitamins and minerals such as Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Iron & Phosphorus.

Quinoa pasta is rich in fibre too, providing 3g’s of fibre in each dry pasta.. so when adding it all up it’s going to be a lot of fibre in one meal. Β 


Multigrain Pasta

There are so many Gluten-free pastas that are made using a blend of different grains, including Millet, Corn, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Amaranth & Rice.


The nutritional value of these varieties of Pasta can vary based on the type of grains used.


I would say that it can contain anywhere between 4 to 9 g’s and 1 to 6 grams of fibre.


Multigrain pasta is the closest in taste and texture to regular Pasta out there.


However with this Pasta you must pay closer attention to the ingredients labels and steer clear of products loaded with fillers.


What I mean by that, is additives and Gluten-containing ingredients.


It’s Β like the Vegetable oil situation which has no Vegetable in whatsoever (Click Here) Β Β 


Brown Rice Pasta

Brown Rice Pasta is number one on the popularity scale of Gluten-free Pasta due to exposure in the media and it’s mild flavour.

This is a great substitute instead of regular Pasta even for those who eat Gluten.


Compared to other pastas, Brown rice pasta is a good source of fibre, as it has 4 g’s of it.


Brown Rice Β is also high in important micronutrients such as Selenium & Magnesium.


Many research studies have shown that the bran found in Brown Rice is loaded with antioxidants, which are powerful compounds that can help fight Oxidative damage to cells and promote better health. Β Β 



I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…


Which One Of These Pastas Will Try?


Those That Only Eat Gluten-Free.. What Do You Think Of My Recommendations?


What Did You Make Of All Of This?


Of course Any other questions are always welcome, just leave a comment below


Until Then, Ciao

We  Look Up 倧 

Karim David

The Healthy One



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Anjula Pandey
Anjula Pandey
6 years ago

Love this one!!!

Jag Salike
Jag Salike
6 years ago

Big on the brown rice pasta.

Azer Minhas
Azer Minhas
6 years ago

I thought this was very good.

Yilmaz Bangash
Yilmaz Bangash
6 years ago

Multigrain pasta.

Hamood Siddiqui
Hamood Siddiqui
6 years ago

I’m so grateful for this thanks.

Jodie Binns
Jodie Binns
6 years ago

Nice to see you’re talking about Gluten free foods, I will make sure I share this.

Sven Peou
Sven Peou
6 years ago

Great for my tummy, I’ve missed pasta.

Neven Šarić
Neven Šarić
6 years ago

Wow this was very great way for me to weigh up the options. I want to try the brown rice pasta first, but I will try all.

Lawrence Macdonald
Lawrence Macdonald
6 years ago

I can’t wait to try these.

Margriet Schoppe
Margriet Schoppe
6 years ago

I like the recommendations, some I’d never heard of before.

David Zwijnenberg
David Zwijnenberg
6 years ago

Brown rice pasta.

Jude Phillips
Jude Phillips
6 years ago

Multigrain pasta

Bailey Mason
Bailey Mason
6 years ago

Multigrain pasta for me.

Casey Young
Casey Young
6 years ago

Quinoa Pasta

Helena Francis
Helena Francis
6 years ago

Love it!

Mary Andrews
Mary Andrews
6 years ago

Nice picks here Karim! I will try Quinoa Pasta for a change πŸ™‚

Sylvie Robinson
Sylvie Robinson
6 years ago

Thanks for the list.

Aya Fox
Aya Fox
6 years ago

Brown rice pasta.

Jenson White
Jenson White
6 years ago

Nice article.

Dillon Baker
Dillon Baker
6 years ago

I’m getting Quinoa pasta tonight.

Aubrey Ferrell
Aubrey Ferrell
6 years ago

These are very good.

Cat O'neil
Cat O'neil
6 years ago

Brown rice one.

Madeline Mclean
Madeline Mclean
6 years ago

Cool recommendations Karim thank you.

Liz Colton
Liz Colton
6 years ago


Yareli John
Yareli John
6 years ago

I liked the Chickpea pasta

Danielle Hamilton
Danielle Hamilton
6 years ago

Glad to see you back!

Alicia Kaur
Alicia Kaur
6 years ago

Best place to start my health journey

Evie Khan
Evie Khan
6 years ago

This made me smile.

Isabella Edwards
Isabella Edwards
6 years ago

This is great, I will try Chickpea pasta first.

Laura Lowe
Laura Lowe
6 years ago

Great read Karim, I like Brown rice pasta.

Evert-Jan van Steijn
Evert-Jan van Steijn
6 years ago

I will try all of them and see.

Roelof Kieven
Roelof Kieven
6 years ago

Very happy to have read this thanks.

Abigail Burns
Abigail Burns
6 years ago

All four 🀀

Ethan Howard
Ethan Howard
6 years ago

This has my approval!

Liam Ward
Liam Ward
6 years ago

Thanks for the recommendations πŸ™‚

Diana Austin
Diana Austin
6 years ago

Brown pasta πŸ™‚

Nora Simpson
Nora Simpson
6 years ago

The very best I’ve seen 🐐

Daniella Barker
Daniella Barker
6 years ago

I like your suggestions, some I’ve never tried before like brown pasta

Ayah Rees
Ayah Rees
6 years ago

Your site is wonderful, so stocked to explore some more.

Lillie Collins
Lillie Collins
6 years ago

Wow 😍

Leia Marshall
Leia Marshall
6 years ago


Kai Hart
Kai Hart
6 years ago

Multigrain pasta.

Bella Hawkins
Bella Hawkins
6 years ago

I will try Quinoa nice article btw

Aleena Morris
Aleena Morris
6 years ago

Nice πŸ‘πŸ½

Elsa Sutton
Elsa Sutton
6 years ago

These four are all so tasty 😝

Isaac Porter
Isaac Porter
6 years ago

Brown rice pasta

Victor Cox
Victor Cox
6 years ago

Thanks for the advice with the suggestions πŸ™‚

Josiah Rose
Josiah Rose
6 years ago

Keep feeding my brain πŸ˜†πŸ§ 

Elliot George
Elliot George
6 years ago

Not sure which one I will go with first πŸ€”

Maxim Carr
Maxim Carr
6 years ago

g’s for grams ?