The Health Benefits Of PeachesΒ 

I’m going to go through the health benefits of Peaches with you, I promise you wont

have to take anyone up to the north either!


What Are Peaches?

Peaches are small fruits that are sweet, and they look red, orange, yellow and pink all mixed in one.

They originated from China more than 8 thousand years ago!

Peaches are in the same family as cherries, almonds, plums & apricots, as they are considered stone fruits because their flesh surrounds a shell that has an edible seed.

Packed With Nutrients and Antioxidants

Peaches are rich in vitamins, minerals and many other plant compounds, get on your peach eating; your health will thank you for it.

Peaches help you against disease, and help you stay looking younger…

It’s an aid, not a miracle pill, loool!

The fresher and riper the fruit, the more antioxidants it contains.

Fresh and canned peaches, I hear you say, what about them?

Well, so long as they are unpeeled, it will have the same amount of vitamins and minerals in them.

Improves Heart Health

If you are a frequent eater of peaches, this will help your heart.

You see Peaches lower the risk of heart disease, it lowers your high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, right down.

This is a heart healthy fruit, so start adding these to your list of fruits that you eat.

Easy & Available To Start Eating

Peaches are easy to get your hands on, they can be eaten raw, grilled, or baked.

You can add it to other foods, such as Yoghurts, you ever notice, that you can always get peaches in yoghurts?

There is so much you can do with Peaches, that’s the best part about them.



 Until We Meet Again, Ciao

 We Look Up ε€§

Karim David 

The Healthy One 

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Uuno Kauko
Uuno Kauko
2 years ago

Thanks for the expertise.

Salomo Haapalainen
Salomo Haapalainen
2 years ago

This was great to see first thing πŸ™‚

Pirkka Pulkkinen
Pirkka Pulkkinen
2 years ago

This was very insightful and helped thank you.

Benjamin Mannerheim
Benjamin Mannerheim
2 years ago

Learning so much from you, I do need to catch up your other September post though!.

Ren Haapalainen
Ren Haapalainen
2 years ago

I’ve never seen a pink one before, but I checked and it looks nice.

Sel VenΓ€lΓ€inen
Sel VenΓ€lΓ€inen
2 years ago

Thanks πŸ™‚

YrjΓ€nΓ€ Huttunen
YrjΓ€nΓ€ Huttunen
2 years ago

I shared this on my tt, thanks for the info.

Toivo Iivonen
Toivo Iivonen
2 years ago

Thank you for the share bud.

Konsta Laitinen
Konsta Laitinen
2 years ago

I need to start eating to aid my youthfulness.

Reino Savela
Reino Savela
2 years ago

This has been a joy to read, I love J.B that’s why and I’m learning at the same time.

Teija Aho
Teija Aho
2 years ago

Thank you bro!

Elina KivelΓ€
Elina KivelΓ€
2 years ago

You are so getting a share!

Irina Nikula
Irina Nikula
2 years ago

Thanks for the information.

Milja Mattila
Milja Mattila
2 years ago

Thanks for this!!!

Vuokko MΓ€ntylΓ€
Vuokko MΓ€ntylΓ€
2 years ago

I love peaches.

Eliina Nyman
Eliina Nyman
2 years ago

Thank you πŸ™‚

Suoma Toivonen
Suoma Toivonen
2 years ago

I will try and add this to my diet.

Annele Lehto
Annele Lehto
2 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing this.

Jaana Uljas
Jaana Uljas
2 years ago

Another learning process for me, I always take notes to educate myself on healthy foods. Karim you are an inspiration to me, and you really help me lose weight, thank you so much.

Maija Terho
Maija Terho
2 years ago

Thankful to have got this one. I don’t really eat them much but I will now.

Eldar Chikovani
Eldar Chikovani
2 years ago

Peaches are so tasty.

Simoni Kharaishvili
Simoni Kharaishvili
2 years ago

I’m making it my aim to really start eating peaches from now on.

Genadi Garsevanishvili
Genadi Garsevanishvili
2 years ago

Thanks for the support.

Kote Kvernadze
Kote Kvernadze
2 years ago

I never knew that I could eat the seeds WOW!

Vazha Asatiani
Vazha Asatiani
2 years ago

This helped me out with a quiz I was stuck with lol

Amiran Chabukiani
Amiran Chabukiani
2 years ago

Brilliant job, keep going!

Zviadi Melikishvili
Zviadi Melikishvili
2 years ago

Thanks for all your advice.

Aram Nikoladze
Aram Nikoladze
2 years ago

Peaches are underrated don’t you think ?

Avto Pkheidze
Avto Pkheidze
2 years ago

I’m glad I don’t have to go to the north lol.

Aram Laliashvili
Aram Laliashvili
2 years ago

This is really up my street, nice tips.

Ia Tsenteradze
Ia Tsenteradze
2 years ago

I’ve picked up that it does not need to be put into desserts, I have a sweet tooth, I will try and eat it without for a snack.

Tatiana Okropiridze
Tatiana Okropiridze
2 years ago

This was very good.

Gvanca Nakashidze
Gvanca Nakashidze
2 years ago

Thanks for the detail you put into this, some questions I could not find anywhere else you covered.

Natela Leonidze
Natela Leonidze
2 years ago

Where I live the peaches are sold out πŸ™

Izolda Jeladze
Izolda Jeladze
2 years ago

Thank you.

Tina Asatiani
Tina Asatiani
2 years ago

I thought this was going to be about the other kind lol.

Marekhi Davituliani
Marekhi Davituliani
2 years ago

Peaches are so nice to eat, I could eat them all day.

Lizzie Gvazava
Lizzie Gvazava
2 years ago

I’m taking it all on board and will get some later on today.

Maya Machavariani
Maya Machavariani
2 years ago

Thank you pal.

Kelly Tsitsishvili
Kelly Tsitsishvili
2 years ago

I liked this so much, thank you for the info.

Jodie Cooper
Jodie Cooper
2 years ago

Melvin recommend you and after have a dive into your work, I’m teaching my children about healthy eating here. I would like to thank you for all that you are doing here, as it’s helping children and myself.

Jade Jenkins
Jade Jenkins
2 years ago

I want to eat more of these.

Erin Lewis
Erin Lewis
2 years ago

Thanks for the scoop.

Eve Owen
Eve Owen
2 years ago

I don’t eat them much at all, but I’m going to buy some now.

Chelsea Cooke
Chelsea Cooke
2 years ago

I will be getting them soon as, cheers for the info.

Helena Peters
Helena Peters
2 years ago

This was great.

Susan Scott
Susan Scott
2 years ago

Peaches can help me stay healthy, I’m looking forward to getting them right away.

Elliot Cherry
Elliot Cherry
2 years ago

I so need to get my hands on them now thanks to you!

Cara Watkins
Cara Watkins
2 years ago

Thank you so much for the share.

Molly Davis
Molly Davis
2 years ago

Peaches are my fav fruit.