With consent, I’m going to share a story with you about a girl who is a Di1 of mine, and went vegan and now has gone back to eating meat.
I believe this could help a lot of you, but this is her story & not an anti-vegan one.
It’s just something to think about, if you’re going vegan, that not many have thought about hence why I’m going to share what I was told.
So, here is her story, in her own words.
I was on a plant-based diet for three years, my meals were mainly grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.
I excluded all animal products, including dairy, seafood and meat. I felt like my digestion was great, and I was super energized.
I really felt like a superhero, it also felt great to no longer be contributing to the evil that is modern animal agriculture and the negative effects that live stock production has on our planet.
However, the end of last year, things started to change. I started to have less energy, I felt like I could not do any tasks and even the smaller ones.
I noticed also that I was having really bad headaches before and during my menstrual cycle. During my periods, I could hardly get out of bed, I just knew that something was up.
I tried to adjust my diet in every way possible, I started eating healthier fats, iron-rich plant foods, but my symptoms were the same. I also started getting a massive craving for seafood, but I wanted to keep making veganism work for my body.
Then, when I started having problems digesting foods that I would normally keep down, that I decided to contact Karim.
I thought I might have developed some type of allergy to nuts or gluten, but he did some tests, and to my shock: I was critically low in iron!
Not only that but I was also low in nutrients, I also went to a holistic doctor, and they told me much of the same thing.
My doctor was very concerned, but was respectful of my vegan diet, she suggested I take a long list of different supplements to try and raise my levels, but I’m an avid reader here, so I know that supplements is no good for me, and is not the answer.
Then I thought back to what I heard Karim say in one of his many articles, it was something along the lines of, to not ignore signals your body sends you, and I had been doing this for some time now.
Instead of forcing my body to adapt to veganism any more, I started to eat fish and other animal products back in my diet.
It’s now been about 6 months since I started eating animal protein again, I took my time and started eating fish and eggs.
It’s very important for me to eat ethically sources of animal protein, from the cleanest and most sustainable of sources, as I can.
I only purchase wild-caught salmon and eggs, antibiotic-free chickens & beef that is grass-fed.
Some of the changes I notice is that my skin has cleared up, I feel more satisfied after meals, I have more energy in the morning, I no longer feel ill any more.
My story is my story, I wanted to make it clear to Karim that the message of this is to listen to your body’s needs. Health is always my number one priority! As much as I wanted to remain 100 percent plant-based, it was not going to work for me.
Instead of judging myself by what I should have been eating, I learnt from Karim to start to listen to my body and what I need. He taught me that, there is no one way of eating to fulfil you, everybody has foods that work for them and don’t work for them.
Right now, I’m eating a lot of plant-based food from his meal plan, this is what is making me feel at my best right now.
I plan to honour my body, and if I ever feel ill again, to not just carry on but to listen and act right away
Please show some love to our fellow Di1 who was so brave to share her story with us.
Let me know your thoughts on it.
Until We Meet Again, Ciao
We Look Up 大
I want to experiment in case my body does not respond well, so this has really reinforce that decision. I’m grateful for the share.
Go for it Gorm 🙂
You’re doing a good job, I did not expect this at all, in the end yes we must listen to our bodies.
True 🙂
I felt really similar but then i stopped drinking and i felt much better.
Thank you for sharing your similar experience like her, it goes to show it can happen.
This girl was a lot brave than me, I felt confused about doing this or not, I’m going to try it out for myself and see how my body responds.
Thank you for letting us know, I hope it goes well for you.
Lee sent me here.
Heyyy 🙂
I cannot thank this girl enough; I’m currently where she was and I need to stop to get my health back, as It’s not really working for me.
I’m glad you saw this then, best of luck 🙂
Being a vegan works for me, If anything I appreciate how may body responds to it well.
Ok, well thank you for sharing that with us 🙂
I am a vegan and I ended up feeling really bad, but then I felt much better later on. It’s funny how we all experience different outcomes, I’m glad I read this though.
Thank you for reading her story 🙂
Alex sent me here.
I never had any sort of problems like this, but I just missed eating meat.
Oh ok, well it’s good to hear different feedback such as this, but you must know it’s not uncommon at all, and I hope you make the decision that is right for you 🙂
This has pushed me to ask myself why I want to do this, sometimes I feel that it’s not for the right reason.
Good I’m glad it did 🙂
Love this!!!
Thanks for the love
I’m not vegan but I love vegan recipes, I try them at least once a week.
Oh nice, thank you for sharing that with us.
Good thinking, thanks! I’m starting to make the change, but I’m taking my time.
Nice 🙂
I eat fully plant based and I never looked back.
Fr that’s great!
Alex sent me here.
Hey ane
Thank you for sharing your story
She will love this 🙂
Very nice read.
I’m doing good with my diet, but this was insightful share.
I’m glad you thought so
Thank you for the share, it was really good of her to share this with us.
I know she is happy about that comment!
Tysm for sharing your story girl, so many takeaways here!
Ryan sent me here
Lee sent me here.
Thanks for this, the girl has giving me a lot to think about.
Good, I’m glad to hear it.
Alex sent me here!
Good info.
Thank you for this.
Very nice to read this experience of her.
Lee sent me here.
Inspired to try it for myself.
Very happy to hear that.
Alex sent me here.
Ryan sent me here.
Nice to have you here
So happy that it worked out well for her own health.
Me too!
This was very interesting and I went vegetarian in 2019 due to medical reasons.
Oh ok, well you are like her, shinning a light on us all being different with how we respond to food, so thanks for sharing that.
Brilliant story, thank you for sharing.
I’m sure she will be happy with this 🙂
Lee sent me here.
Hey eve!
Loving how she made her diet work for her.
Ditto.. Thanks for the love!
Your words really helped her, you should be proud.
I’m proud of having to share this with all of you, it’s a great step and progress forward for sure.
I need to get on this plant based meal plan of yours!
Come on down! https://www.karimdavid.com/di-plant-based-weight-loss-meal-plan-pdf/