Sleep for us is so important!
It helps us feel good gives us lots of energy & makes your brain and body function properly.
A lack of quality sleep, is a big reason why so many gain excess fat & a big reason why people lose weight/ gain muscle mass after a workout is because of a quality nights sleep.
(Consistently though for all of them of course)
I understand some of you have no probs with falling asleep but, many of you here from what you’ve told me are having trouble falling asleep at night or are in some kind of pain.
A lack of quality sleep or no sleep at all can lead to negative effects on my parts of your body and brain.. think joints, overall mood and emotions etc.
So I felt that it was only right to share with you the 5 step process of falling asleep ASAP, which has worked for myself and many of my Di1’s over the years.
Make A Bed Time Schedule & Lower The Temperature
The irony is most of us are sleeping on taking sleep serious & get crappy sleep 🤦🏿♂️
What I want to point out to you is that this is another form of exercise it just requires you to shut off and recharge, it even gives you a chance to dream
if you so choose to, I really think if we see it as exercise for our body to recharge it will help you rather than…
Seeing it as a chore or some inconvenience for you, we must respect sleep and take it more serious as you know well one bad night can mess up your whole week!
Then it turns into a habit for many months and then years down the line you have a real problem.
I want everybody who is reading this right now to pick a time you can regular get up at and go to bed at.. I assume you’ve all got phones right?
You can set up all there or if not write it out.. include weekends another one or workdays, if it has to change then make it as close to the og time
as you can.. but if possible try to keep it the same to start off with.
So how long do you sleep for? 8 hours is the sweet spot.. anything under is too little and anything over 9 is too much which will make you tired during the day.
Now some of you will say well I sleep 5 hours or 7 hours and I’m fine.. It’s all temp though, just like those smokers who think they are A ok because their faces of not..
Wrinkled yet are forgetting the lungs are filled with tar, which will cause breathing problems and likely hood of getting cancer.
I’m telling you in the long run you will get early grey hair, wrinkles, gain excess weight, be really underweight etc if you keep doing this over the years..
I’ve seen this happen for too long to many and it all links back to sleep, the same with sleeping over 9 hours.
Now you’re lowering the temperature really will change how you sleep. Your body needs to be cool when you lie down and be warm when you get up, that’s how it goes.
If your room is too warm you’ll have a hard time falling asleep at night, so you should always know the temperature of your room or at best feel that it’s too hot..
Ok I need to do something now as I’ll not be able to sleep tonight.. over moaning about it in your thoughts and do nothing about it & suffering.
I’m not going to say what temperature number as that’s a preference choice, you find the number that works out best for you.
Taking warm shower or bath before bed can help your temperature changes, for example you come out of a hot shower or a bath your body then cools down afterwards..
This gives off a signal to your brain to go to sleep, as you should feel more tired too.
I must add the more you relax with this bath or shower the better the result, if you’re stressing it’s not going to work.. unwind, breath and relax.
Listen To Relaxing Music & Workout During The Day
Music that sooths you will significantly improve your quality of sleep.
It’s even been shown to help with chronic sleeping disorders.. insomnia being one of them.
I would encourage everybody to set up a playlist of nighttime music that helps you feel relaxed and sleep..
I’m not saying you cannot listen to motivational music if that pumps you up
for the next day, to each their own it’s just this sad music has got to stop in the night!
That’s just setting you up to sleep with nothing but a cold wet pillow, you deserve better night’s sleep than that would you not agree?
So go for a playlist of songs that really relax you, make you happy, pump you up for the next day ahead, or just affirms to you what a great person that you are..
Avoid these sad songs LOL.
So now I’m going to reverse from night to day real quick.
We all know how important working out is for everybody, let alone for those of you looking to lose weight.
This is also a key ingredient to falling asleep during the day.
This will increase the duration of sleep we get rather than laying their thinking about stuff, decrease our stress levels and raise our serotonin levels in the process.
Am I saying do full-blown workouts 7 days a week.. HELL NO!
You would then be in so much pain and that would defeat the whole point of everything I’ve said above, but you do know walking, hiking, riding your bike and going for swim count too right?
So get going and don’t look back!
I would also like to add that you should avoid working out before going to bed, as this will have your heart racing and your body will be in fight mode..
Also we are not about to go into the octagon and fight 5 championship rounds here..
All we need to do is fall asleep as we quick as Ben Askren did when he got that Knee from Masvidal!
Meditate & Stop looking At The Clock
You cannot sleep well when you’re stressed, so I would suggest you meditate.
Now I know a lot of you might just be rolling your eyes right now but hear me out here.
Meditation, yoga and just mindfulness are tools to calm your mind down and to relax you, it’s just facts ladies and gents.
More to the point of all of this it improves your sleep, which if I’m not mistaken is what you want some of right?
So why not be open-minded and give it a go? what do you have left to lose if you cannot sleep at night anyway ??
Find some time for yourself alone before bed in a quiet place and just sit and close off your thoughts that are swirling around your
brain all day 24hrs and 365 days of the year.
If we take out the word “Meditation & Yoga” what do we have? you pausing from thought, tlc for yourself, self-healing w.e you want to call it..
Make sure you find time and space for yourself to just pause because it’s not healthy to be on the go all day long without pausing ever.
Some of you have got a lot to be happy about but are so fully into your problems which are real, but you block out the blessings you already have
because you fail to see them as such, because you’re blinkered to your woes.
Stop looking at the clock ok.. many of us for some strange reason when we get up in the night to go to the toilet or just wake up for whatever reason tend to go and look at the clock.
All this does is say Oh Shhhhhhhhhhh I’ve only got X amount of sleep left, so when you go to bed you’re just counting down the hours in the back of your mind, yeah stop that.
I used to be someone who just keep looking at the damn time every min, to the point where I would sometimes by mistake have my freaking alarm clock in my school backpack..
But that’s another story!
So please avoid looking at the time during the night.
Get Into The Dark ASAP & Visualize Things That Make You Happy
The daylight is great and everything but when it gets to later on during the day and you’re home the light does us no good if we want to fall asleep.
The reason is it’s too bright, and we use a lot of electrical goods such as PC’s Laptops, Tablets, Mobiles etc, which keep the same light as if it’s still the day time!
Which is no good for our eyes, so I would encourage everybody on their mobiles & tablets to use blue light or Night mode and set that to auto so it will change the light when it gets dark by itself.
The blue lights stop are eyes from hurting so much, at first it may look red your screens but then you eyes get use to it and it no longer looks that colour anymore.
For PC’s that do not have an auto night mode or blue light I would then suggest you download F.lux it’s the best one out and I use this myself..
It’s also free to download and again will adjust the light during the day
so you don’t even have to think about it.
I would also encourage you to shut the curtains as soon as you can before it gets dark and leave the light off.
Then when it gets really dark to stay in the dark especially 2 or 3 hrs before bed because this will give your whole..
Brain and body the signal that it’s time for body and you’re sleepy, it really helps.
The next one is to visualize things that make you happy, having a happy and joyful mind at night is a much better set up then being stressful before bed.
Visualize a place that makes you feel happy and gives you joy, visualize a place that calms you.. it could even be a person too.
Engaging with worries and concerns in the nighttime is a fools game, as you are in rest mode if you’re up all night thinking of what I will say,
what I will do & what should I do then you’re losing precious time that you could have been using to sleep.
Thinking about wanting to sleep and how you will sleep does not get you to sleep at night.. going to sleep does!
You can only do that really by being happy naturally no?
Switch Off Electronics & Write Out Your Thoughts Before Bed
We need to have a cutoff point with our electronic devices late at night if we want to sleep.
Watching TV, playing video games, using our mobile phones and social networking can make it tough for us to get good nights sleep.
To be honest this is a hard one for me as I’ve started to engage a lot with my international friends online at times or cooking up some biz deal or plan with.
My international biz partners late into the night.. my whole summer for example in 2020 was madddd for this LMAO!
It’s sept now though and I’m already working on this, I’ve done it before in the past of course.. I do not tell you to do things that I don’t do myself or would not do..
It’s just I have to keep it 100 with you, I slipped on that but I’m now making a comeback on not using my phone when I’m heading to bed or in bed..
These deals & lit convos can wait more often than not 10/11 I have to be choosing my sleep (Yeah we don’t do 9’s in this bitch!) .
This goes without saying if I do use my phone late a night I’m using the blue light/ night mode as the light without it is way too bright and will mess up my sleep..
I could get away with using the blue light/ night mode and still sleep good, For me and my exp with using it I rather the cut off when I’m about to go to sleep and use that space..
Before bed to look after me more often than not.
Keep a Journal and write out your thoughts, that way it’s not on your mind it’s on the page!
Why go to bed angry or sad or worried when you can write it all out and not carry it with you to bed?
I’m not a fan of journaling negative thoughts by the way and I’ve never done it but if you need to let it out, rather thank drinking yourself to death and taking other crap that will kill you..
How about facing what you’re feeling and being one with your emotions and leaving it on the page and going to bed refreshed of all that negative energy that is killing your sleep from the inside.
The main things you should be journaling about though is positive things, things that make you happy.. it will calm your mind down and help you sleep better at night.
You know writing down positive events that happened during your day or even your thoughts on a future date can create a state of gratitude and happiness and lower your stress levels.
Also when you journal during the night just like with reading afterwards I tend to feel very sleepy, which is all the better for me as I know I will sleep well then.
Always focus on how you’re feeling, but if you are in a dark place do your best to draw some light and positive things that has gone on.. even if it’s just one thing.
I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know, though…
What Did You Make Of All This?
Which Of The 5 Step Process Do You Think Will Be Easy/Hard For You ?
How Many Hours Do You Sleep Per Night ?
What Tips Stuck With You The Most?
Until We Meet Again, Ciao
We Look Up 大
Thank you I’ve been sleeping only 4 hours a night which is not good.
Yes you need an extra 4 to 5 hours Eason.. Please start ASAP, I wish you the best!
7.5 hours a night
Get to 8 at least.. just a lil adjustment 🙂
Turning off the devices
Aha yeah this one will take a lot of work.. but you can do it Darell 🙂
I’ve never tried it but getting into the dark early
Yeah try it out first Paul.. You can do this 🙂
Thanks for the share I will try this out tonight!
You’re welcome Wendell 🙂
Looking at the clock oh mannnn 🙁
Thanks for this one bro I need this so bad.
You’re welcome 🙂
10 hours is too much ?
Yes cut down by 2 hours or an hour and you’re good Cody 🙂
I sleep five hours or sometimes less,took a lot of time to read this and take notes.
Thanks for letting me know this Aman, it shows me how much you are taking this.. I really hope it helps 🙂
Thanks for the share 🙂
You’re welcome Gerry 🙂
The workouts I’m stuck on that ?
Well we’ve got workouts on my site above and also the workout plans.. Please check them out 🙂
7 hours
Just an hour more and you’re good Jan 🙂
10 during the week and on weekends 12
Yeah you need to cut down Larry and you’ll be good
I’ve been blown away by your content for years now I’ve lost so much weight did you get my before and after pics ?
Yesss Fred! I’m sending you something specail back 🙂
Thank you for the support and the love, to the point where you have taken it!
Oh I thought 6 hours was it DAMN
Nah 2 hours more or 3 🙂
Cutting down on the sad songs even though I know It’s wrong LOL
Looool I’ve been there.. GET OUT ASAP!!!
2 hours because of my work, I really need to go early instead.
Yes please do so ASAP
5 and 6 hours a night
2 TO 3 hours more
Thanks for this Karim. I’m having the worst time ever sleeping and I’m not pretending when I tell you how much
I needed to read this right now, I just hope it can work for me fingers crossed.
No fingers crossing neeeded.. All you need is you to be doing this daily until it’s auto, If you desire this to be so it shall be Mirre
I know you can do this 🙂
I sleep for about 3 hours and then get up and eat food and then sleep for 2 hours 🙁 How can I stop eating during the night ?
You need to be eating food that will fuel you during the day and more of it.. I would suggest you take a look at the top 40 foods post and if you’re eating most of them, if not get on it ASAP!
If you’re stuck on what you should be eating for the long term, there is always my meal plans up top feel free to check it out.. I know that helps & thank you for the question 🙂
Thank you for sharing this with me 🙂
You’re welcome Lee 🙂
I appreciate this thank you 🙂
I appreciate you Lieke 🙂
Thanks you so much for the share
Np Yas 🙂
My fav site for sure it’s my homepage now 🙂
Wowww this was one of my dreams, for someone to tell me this so thanks for making that one come true!
Obs thank you for the support 🙂
The workout side should be easy, going to bed every night at the same time will be hard for me.
Ok thank you for sharing this.. Even when you slip up do not beat yourself up about it, just go again.
You can do this if you want it 🙂
I will buy myself a duck too 😉
Thanks for the info.
You’re welcome
11/10 hours I’m over by a little bit
Yeah go down man
Soudara sent me here 🙂
Ahahaha overtime!
I sleep 8 hours but not every night and Soudara sent me here.
Cool & She working lmao
No phone in my bed hahahahahahaha!!!
I liked this a lot and I’m so happy that you shared with us what you find hard, I like that you too have things to work on like us 🙂
For sure got to keep it 100
Sleeping 6 hours a night and I always feel jaded. Thanks for sharing what you’re going through too.
Yeah go up like 2 or 3 hours and you’ll be good Astrid.. Np
Your advice is crazy thank you so much.
Thank you for coming and showing support 🙂
This was great thank you!
You’re welcome Martha 🙂
I just want to say I’m on day 15 of your meal and workout plan and I feel so much better thank you
Aw nice Swen, thank you so much for letting me know that!
I’m glad it’s making you feel that way 🙂
What if you keep having nightmares ?
That’s why you write what’s in your head down.. so there is nothing left, the more up beat the better 🙂
Thanks for the advice Karim 🙂
My family keep me up with all the loud noise but I wont stop trying to get better sleep.
Sou sent me here she’s the best!!!
Done know
You expect too much this is too much!
I expect nothing at all.. I say what I say & Do what I do, all to help the Di1’s. “If this is too much for you!” I’m not mad about it I respect your honesty if anything.
But do not put your own expectations and limits on me.. As we do not have none Silvia.
I’m too old for all of this do you not have some pills or a shake ?
LMAO! Wrong site
Getting this share has saved my sanity I only sleep five hours and I’m always ratty, I’m going to sleep longer from now on.
Good man I’m really happy that I got to share this with you then 🙂
I’ve got too much to lose to not give this my best I’m in.
Not even sure how much sleep I get, Clock watching is my weakness.
Please track it so you know if you’re getting the right amount, or just set your alarm for 8 or 9 hours kip.. Yeah that use to be me 🙂
The sad songs
Ahaha I use to be you Sammy 🙂
I’m so glad I found you 🙂
Aww thanks Rebecca, I’m glad you did and I hope you’ll stick around each week 🙂
I’m taking charge of my sleep 5 hours is leaving me weak.
Please do 🙂
Working out
The workouts in what I should do.