Low- Carb Foods That You Need To Be Eating ASAP


Reducing your Carbs can aid your health.


Low carbs have been shown to reduce hunger levels, providing you’re not still eating trash..so the two of these together will of course be a great benefit for our weight loss goals.


Remember this is not about diets or calorie counting! That’s short term thinking, at Di Nutrition we are all about the long term. Β 


The only reason why I’m sharing this with you is so you have some real Low-Carb food you can eat for life, not for a couple of months and then you end up being tempted to eat unhealthy, then gain weight again.


Decreasing your Carb intake can also reduce your blood sugar levels, Blood pressure and Triglycerides or improve your HDL Cholesterol (The Good one) Β Β 


So now, I will share with you the Low-Carb foods you need to be eating ASAP.. daily this will help you lose weight and make you healthier.



Eggs are hands down one of the healthiest and Di Nutritional foods on earth.

They’re filled with nutrients that are important for our brains, and almost zero carbs.

Still need more convincing I’ve 10 more reasons.. (Click Here)




Beef is very high with all of the important nutrients like Iron and Vitamins such as B12, it also has zero carbs, so I highly recommend Beef for all you meat eaters.



Β Chicken

Chicken is one of the most popular meats around, so you may already be eating this one already.

Make sure the Chicken is not fried, as it should be either grilled or roasted.

It’s also a great source of protein.




Salmon once again, is very popular fish that you may already be eating.

It’s a very fatty fish (The good fat) which means it contains a great amount of heart healthy fats.. which is what we want!

Omega- 3 if you were wondering about the name of the fatty acids.




Sardines are an oily fish that you should be eating if you’re a fish eater.

Sardines have zero Carbs in them and also nearly have every single nutrient that our bodies needs.




Onions are very healthy and Β cheap, which means there are no excuses as you can buy this in bulk.

They’re high in Antioxidants, Fibre and other Anti-Inflammatory compounds.

The Carbs in Onions is 9 to 11 Grams.




Cucumber is mostly just water, with a tiny amount of Vitamin K.

So of course Cumber had to be included and can even be put with your Fish dishes.




Strawberries are very high in Vitamin C (Click Here) They’re also very high in Manganese and various other Antioxidants.

Needless to say adding Strawberries to your palate will make you healthier.




Olives are high in healthy fat. They’re very high in Iron and Copper and contain a fair amount of Vitamin E.

The colour is not so important they’re all good for you.



Almonds are incredibly delicious to eat.

They’re also loaded with Vitamin E & Fibre and are one of the best sources for Magnesium. Most people don’t get enough Magnesium so start eating Almonds right away.

What’s more, Almonds are very filling and help you lose weight much easier.




Walnuts are also another delicious nut to eat.

It’s high in Alpha-Linolenic acid AKA ALA, this is a type of Omega-3 fatty acid.

Make sure to take a handful of these, often.



Greek Yoghurt

Greek Yoghurt is very thick compared to regular yoghurt, if you’ve never had it before. It’s very high in many beneficial nutrients, especially protein.

It also tastes very nice and I highly recommend you start eating this, especially for those who are having cravings for Chocolates, Candy, Crisps.. all that Trash.




In the olden days Butter was blackballed and we were told it was not healthy.. now we are much wiser and know that is false, and that Butter is actually healthy. It turns out that it’s actually

Margarine that is the artificial, unhealthy one that should be blackballed and not butter, that comes from a Cow.

Grass-fed butter is a lot better for you, but there is nothing wrong with the Butter in the supermarkets either.. also Zero carbs and nothing but good fats.


Extra Virgin Oil

Extra Virgin Olive oil is the healthiest fat on the earth! The benefits are listed in depth here (Click Here)


Do not be tricked into purchasing Vegetable oil or any of these (Click Here) Β 

as it’s not healthy for you at all despite the fact it says Vegetable oil.. it’s a lie!


Back to Extra Virgin Oil; this is a staple in the Mediterranean which has long been renowned for long life expectancy.

It has very powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.



Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has very healthy fat for all of us to be eating, jammed packed with medium-chain fatty acids that have a powerful effect on our metabolism.

These fatty acids are also been proven to reduce our appetites, improve our fat burning and help people lose belly fat.




The best drink you can ever have..period!

This should be your go-to drink over any other drink, or you’re simply not healthy.. no matter what you look like.

It will only be a matter of time before your lack of water consumption will bite you somewhere if not in multiple places all at the same time.

Here are some more reasons why Water should be your go-to drink (Click Here) Β Β 




I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…

Which One Of These Low-Carb Foods Are You Going To Try First?

How Many Of These Low-Carb Foods Are You Currently Consuming?

Do You Now Understand Why Vegetable Oil Is No Good For You?

What Did You Make Of All Of This?

Of course any other questions are always welcome, just leave a comment below


Until Then Ciao

We  Look  Up 倧 

Karim DavidΒ 

The Healthy One


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Vassos Kyrillou
Vassos Kyrillou
6 years ago

I eat most of these so that’s a great start for me.

Amina Volino
Amina Volino
6 years ago

I like the sound of this.. great job.

Nilde Beretta
Nilde Beretta
6 years ago

I eat all of expect the nuts.

Dora Sabina
Dora Sabina
6 years ago

Wow thank you for the insight Karim,I never knew it had no vegetables in it!

Diji Halim
Diji Halim
6 years ago

Thanks for the tips.

Okeli Chidike
Okeli Chidike
6 years ago

Are you from Lagos ?

JDom Maita
JDom Maita
6 years ago

Love this!

Sintina Tesfa
Sintina Tesfa
6 years ago

his did have me stressing but these foods are simple.

Ayana Fikre
Ayana Fikre
6 years ago

Top tips here! thank you.

Faye Redbone
Faye Redbone
6 years ago

How many should I eat from these ?

Gary Kidan
Gary Kidan
6 years ago

The sites looking great, I’m back on the health path again.

Molly Sros
Molly Sros
6 years ago

I think Vegetable oil is really big, so it’s bought out of cheapness.

Cavin Knowles
Cavin Knowles
6 years ago

I really don’t like Walnuts do I have to eat it still?

Maisie Bechett
Maisie Bechett
6 years ago

I’ve been searching for tips like this for ages, thanks so much.

Jamila Nesbitt
Jamila Nesbitt
6 years ago

I always thought Butter was not healthy LOOOL, you learn something new everyday.

Leon Nostiz
Leon Nostiz
6 years ago

I like your way of thinking, thanks for your help.

Thomas Kehrer
Thomas Kehrer
6 years ago

Olives because where I work they have big jars I can take for free.

Marlies Cassirer
Marlies Cassirer
6 years ago

Thank you so much πŸ™‚

Egyed Tamara
Egyed Tamara
6 years ago

I’m going to give this a shot πŸ™‚

Simonia Hilma
Simonia Hilma
6 years ago

Thanks for the list Karim πŸ™‚

Zalim Kashyap
Zalim Kashyap
6 years ago

Lol yeh.. I see my self sticking to this as it’s food that I know of oppose to ones I have to research.

Daniela Jackiewicz
Daniela Jackiewicz
6 years ago

Brilliant help! You really know your stuff everyone should come to you!!
Great info….

Daniela Osada
Daniela Osada
6 years ago

Loved that list Karim, printed it out, now then… I was just wondering if there’s a list of things NOT to buy? That would be really help, might save a lot of money too!

Vincze Marcell
Vincze Marcell
6 years ago

The list is helpful thanks.

Pataki Richard
Pataki Richard
6 years ago

Looking up all the time on my health!

Ehsan Freydooni
Ehsan Freydooni
6 years ago

Bless you Sir.

Farhad Momeni
Farhad Momeni
6 years ago

I’m number blind could you teach me how to read the labels ?

Rouin Gilani
Rouin Gilani
6 years ago

I love this list simple and to the point.

Ekene Madue
Ekene Madue
6 years ago

Soaking this all up thanks.

Lee Manaloto
Lee Manaloto
6 years ago

What do you have for breakfast if in a hurry?

Tris Sheppard
Tris Sheppard
6 years ago

Thanks for sharing useful information.

Lucas Porter
Lucas Porter
6 years ago

The Greek yoghurt as I do crave chocolate sometimes

Leo Carter
Leo Carter
6 years ago

All this time Vegetable oil was just a big con! Ha I’m really upset about this.

Alex Holland
Alex Holland
6 years ago

Great article Karim πŸ™‚

Steward Burns
Steward Burns
6 years ago


Kody Whitley
Kody Whitley
6 years ago

I’m going to consume all listed before the end of year.

Harriet Brooks
Harriet Brooks
6 years ago

This has been helpful thanks.

Lilly Gibbs
Lilly Gibbs
6 years ago

I’m going to try Almonds out first.

Lacey Riley
Lacey Riley
6 years ago


Jo Rees
Jo Rees
6 years ago

I now fully understand the cons of Vegetable oil, thank you for sharing this.

Denny Wallker
Denny Wallker
6 years ago

extra virgin oil and butter.

Akuchi Jelan
Akuchi Jelan
6 years ago

I love the tips here. Epic content as always!

Mazzi Chineze
Mazzi Chineze
6 years ago

Almonds and walnuts.

Halim Ibeabuchi
Halim Ibeabuchi
6 years ago

Coconut oil it’s very nice.

Vai Nitesh
Vai Nitesh
6 years ago

Eggs and fish.

Ricky Jagdeep
Ricky Jagdeep
6 years ago


Lalu Madhu
Lalu Madhu
6 years ago


Veena Yashodhar
Veena Yashodhar
6 years ago

Extra virgin oil

Shanta Ishwar
Shanta Ishwar
6 years ago

Coconut oil and Sardines

Karle Tobiasson
Karle Tobiasson
6 years ago

Vegetable oil is an awful con, I hate it.