There’s no way to sugar-coat this without being fake towards you, or giving you a false sense of hope in what a lot of you that have Kids are doing to them.
“What am I doing to them?”
Feeding them Junk food that has no place on your plate let alone in their stomachs, teaching them from a young age that eating these type of foods is the way to go is right..
Yeah, to the hospital, although that part is left out because we put our heads in the sand.
1. You leave this site right now with your head in the sand, maybe curse me out and then carry on as you were… Feeding your Kid/Kids Junk food you know damn well are no good.
2. Come into this with an open mind. One where we decided “It’ time” to make a difference and give my child the best chance in life and be as healthy as my Kid/Kids can be each and every day.
To go through life without added pain (because you know how tough life can get already mentally and physically) so let this be a weight off your shoulders… Something you never have to worry about again.
You see we’ve all heard about Nutrition before. I also know that Nutrition is old hat and that Di Nutrition is the way forward because it’s dependable and gives you confidence to feed your Kid/Kids properly without hesitation (Click Here)
So below are some Di Nutritional Tips/Advice to get your Kids eating healthy ASAP… Plus over time they will swear it was their idea, the ones that are a little older.
Make A Schedule
You should have set patterns of when you eat on a regular basis as often as possible.
Especially when you’re all at home, there should be no divagation because this is where everything starts at home.
Start making a list of healthy foods for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner for the school week, then on weekend’s overtime.
If you need any help whatsoever with that then hit me/my team up (Click Here)
Your kids should be eating every three to four hours; this is including snacks and water also.
Your Kids eating habits will be much improved, they’ll be less crankiness and they’ll never be stomachs grumbling hungrily again (your Stomach eating your body fat is not cool.).
The schedule will be a lot easier to do if you yourself read this, join in as much as you can with it, so even though this is the Kids schedule you can benefit from this too.
This will also encourage you to stock healthy foods such as Carrots, Almond nuts, Greek Yoghurts & Water 😉😉 when traveling in your car or just walking around your area… which will make you not have to throw away all you efforts by going to a fast-food outlet!
Introduce New Foods.. Just Do It Slow
Kids are very fearful when it comes to new foods.
They taste buds are still getting used to new flavours, and some may be pretty wild for them like Brussels & Kale (It’s not fake they do find this extra bitter.)
I think in general we all know what it feels like when sudden change happens and fast and everything you once knew has rapidly change.
so with that being said these new changes need to be fast interns of them eating real food (No junk or fake foods) but then slow in introducing all of the new health foods all at one time.. you understand?
Overtime they’ll have their favs, and you’ll be able to give that to them plus keep adding new healthy foods to the menu, so you don’t end up in a ridged eating habit or get bored with what you’re eating.
Snack Better
If you missed this YT video then please watch before reading on (Click Here).
Ok so now I’m trusting you’ve seen the video and will carry on from there…
Just remember to watch out for portion sizes and not to over eat, the portion seizes for young children of course should always be small one.
Make sure that snack time is not near dinner time because they want be able to eat the dinner you have worked hard to make, if it’s close to dinner time then give something real small.
Some other examples you could give your kids for snacks are below..
Nuts (Not K.P ones they are really salty)
Hard-boiled eggs
Unsalted popcorn
Offer Choices
Nobody likes to be forced to do something they don’t want to do, especially young kids or teenage kids.
So this healthy eating habit is just the same too.
Overtime when your kids are adjusted to healthy eating you can start introducing choices for example between apple slices or Cucumber slices.
It gives your kids a choice, all the while keeping their health very Di Nutritional.
Even looking over different types of new foods and then asking them which one they would love to try.
Or letting them come with some ideas will get them more into the idea of this and not hate it like this is a life sentence or some form of punishment.
Also, I advise whatever you ask them to choose from set rules like the food must have three types of vegetables in them.
This will avoid just having the same meal every day because it pushes them to pick greens that fit with what they want to eat so it tastes good.
If you don’t have the best of relationships with your kids, this will help you because your kids will feel heard, because every kid wants to feel like their voice is being heard and that they matter.
Don’t Use It As Punishment/Blackmail
When your kids are acting up, do your best not to use Vegetables as a form of punishment.
Saying things like you’ll make them eat it if they don’t behave, as this is very counterproductive and gives the stereotype that this is somehow bad and disgusting.
The aim of this is to get them to enjoy eating this as an automatic choice over Trash fast food which is bad for their health.
Also if your kid slips up or is caught in eating junk behind your back, speaking to them and letting them know the importance of healthy eating to have a longer life without preventable diseases is the smart move.
If you play the enforcer saying things like “EAT YOUR VEGETABLES” your kid will dig his heels in and you’ll become the enemy and this is not what we want.
Let Them Make Their Own Plates Overtime
Overtime letting your Kids take control of their own plate is another way to let them express and show their independence and get them interested in trying out new food.
Also, you don’t have to worry about what they will choose because you know that their health is of the upmost importance and they will not go behind your back.
Which shows trust and they will trust you and your bond will be a lot stronger with them.
So this is kinda like offering them choice expect this time you’re not even around you could be a work, or just not at home and they make the healthy choice all on their own without you being there.
No matter if it is a snack or dinner, when you see that they’ve done good let them know and praise them. As this will raise their confidence and kids need this in life.
Lead By Example
None of the above will really work if you don’t lead the way and become the example, the role model that your kids need you to be.
Because If you don’t they’ll look for someone else on how they eat and who they pick might not be the right person, for example, a teenager, is more likely to try and eat like her fav model’ but what if he or she has an eating disorder?
Better to be that example, also it makes them not question you because you are doing it too, and you cannot be accused of being a hypercritic because you’re talking the talk and walking the walk.
Even if they are not happy at the start stick with it, and overtime they will respect you… and years from now they will thank you.
That to me is beautiful!
I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…
How Have You Tried To Get Your Kids To Eat Healthy Before?
Would You Like To Be A Role Model For You Kids Health?
How Have You & Family Got On So Far?
Has This Made You More Confident/Motivated To Approach Your Kids?
What Did You Make Of This?
Of course Any other questions are always welcome, just leave a comment below.
Until Then, Ciao
We Look Up 大
This sounds really good but I do fear that it will have no chance of working with my kids.
You will never know unless you try.. you can do this Jan GO FOR IT!
So what you’re saying is I must be the one that starts this first?
Yeah it all comes back to you.. you can do this if first you, all the best Gordan!
I tried to force my kids to eat healthy they don’t like, but I need to do better also
Yes don’t force.. push yourself learn and move from there, I really hope this gets your kids to start eating healither 🙂
I feel braver now to speak with my sons 😁
I’m so happy to read this Endla.. you go for it, you can do this and I believe in you 😀
Yes I would love to be a role model I hope i am already
I’m sure you are Phil, keep growing and adding healthy habits my man 🙂
This great I’m glad I read this. Thank you so much!
I’m glad you liked it Tate. You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for the help I’m going to use this and speak to my Children on friday.
Ah that’s great Lois! All the best with your talk 🙂
Wow this is so sweet TY!😍
You’re Welcome Kaitlyn 🙂
I’m going to take you advice thank you so much
You’re Welcome Lucy 🙂
What if you’re kids are under 5?
Patiences is the key.. keep adding healthy foods, I Know they can be really fussy but over time you will see how much it will pay off if you stay the course.
This was good and yes my girl looks up to me for everything.
Nice I’m happy to hear this Nadia, thank for sharing 🙂
Very nice Karim 🙂
Thanks Nevaeh 🙂
What can I do if I’ve already used this as blackmail?
Stop using it as one. Make the healthy changes for yourself, speak with them and let them know that you was wrong for doing that, speak about the benfits not just of the food but for them that will get them to want to eat it.. then slowly start adding healthy food bit by bit, you can still do this.. you don’t have to be the bad parent but you can be the healthy one, I know you can do it Dilcan & I wish you all the best!
I’m not perfect it’s too much pressure to be a role model
Only God is my friend.. This pressure is coming from your insides, take a deep breath and realx it will be alright, start with you, come here everyday and read an article, build your confidence and then start.. You got this Dilsoz & I believe in you my man 🙂
You make some really good points here, It really does start with me!
I’m glad you feel the same way Mikro, no matter the time it takes we can do this 🙂
It’s easy to say but harder to do in reality.
For sure but that does not mean we should not do our best, nor go for it at all.. I pray for you Kora
I just sneak it a lot! but I hear what you’re saying.
AHAHAHA sneaky missy ok I see you Erica 🙂
TY for all your help Karim
You’re Welcome Alexi… Hey thank you for the comment 🙂
Wow This is really good 🙂
Thank you Madeleine 🙂
I must be sold on it before trying to convert others right?
Yes or who will buy right ?
We’ve done quite well as a whole on eating healhty,
but I want to add more qualtiy food so I’m going to take you advice
Go for it, I wish you all the best with that Danielle 🙂
How do you expect us to do this without arguments ?
I don’t expect anything Rebecca. I only Put it out there for the Di1’s to do, Look up then the what will be will be.. It’s like going into a shower and not expecting to get wet 🤷🏿♂️
Missed this although I’ve watched all your videos so far 🙂
Oh you mean the blogging AHA! Thanks 🙂
Lit post wow!
Aha Thanks Isabelle! 😉
Taking my chances and speaking to them on the weekend.
That’s today LET’S GOOOOOOOOOO! 🙂
It’s not something I have thought about
not for food.
Ok well I’m sure you’re not alone on that.. TY for your honesty Willow 🙂
Thank you I needed this so much.
You’re welcome Penny 🙂
Yes I want my kids to look up to me even when they get old
That’s good Lilly I hope you get that too 🙂
Kids health is so important well done for putting the spot light on this issue.
Agreed.. Thank you Isaias 🙂
I’ve taken the stance to stop drinking since reading this,
I want to be sober and do right by my kids.
Thank you so much this has helped me to believe I can be sober.
Wow I’m glad that this has helped you.. you can do it I believe in you, may you stay sober forever Dean 🙂
Fine way to start my day off thank you Sir.
You’re Welcome and please jusst call me Karim 🙂
I’m slowly starting to get rid of the junk food that I don’t need.
I’m still not over with every fruit and veg but I’m getting there.
Keep going Ryan.. you don’t have to like every one of them just a lot of them aha!
Of course! very fathers dream to be their daughters role model.
True Adam 🙂
I’ve put my kids of healthy eating as I also used to smoke.
Since 2016 I’ve been taking better care of my health, but now I’m trying to
get my kids to eat healthy aswell so this was a great time for me to read this thanks.
Gods time is the best time after all Zak.. I hope it servers you well man 🙂
Thanks pal 🙂
You’re Welcome Aminah 🙂
Aleena OMG DON’T CRY! This was really lovely to know.. YOU’RE WELCOME & GOD BLESS
So far so good I’ve been educating them on their 5 a day and making a game out of it.
It turns out that if they see you doing it, they want to do it even more.
Big facts.. I’m really happy you made this work for your kids 🙂
I think that my children see me as their role model as they depend on me, but I do agree we can all do better and I want them to live a life without chronic diseases.
Thanks for the comment Riley & More life to your children!
Thank you for sharing this with me.
You’re welcome Demi 🙂
I have two little boys and they now enjoy eating fruit and veg, I took them to a local farm as you suggested ages ago and they understand now about healthy eating.
Oh wow Emma I’m so happy to read this! Thanks for letting me know, it’s always best when they know about healthy eating 🙂
I’ve made lot so progress and now there is no much junk at all in my kitchen. This half term has been one with no added sugar not even in teas.
That’s great Andrew I love to read about progress such as this.. Long may it carry on, and thanks for letting us know 🙂
A lot of tears and pain as it was hard to cut down, but we are getting use to not
having fast food anymore.. Thanks for your support it really helped me and my family.
You’re welcome Josie! I’m just happy that you & your family are on the right track 🙂
Thanks man I needed this so bad, it’s going well for now.
If you’re struggling I’m always around to help, as you said for now.. HMU! I want you flying in 2020 😉
Thank you for sharing this with me.
You’re welcome Eli 🙂
You’re doing bits this month my God!
Ahaha thank you this was from last month tho! but thanks more fire coming Fabian 🙂
This was the sauce because the naughty step don’t work.
Thank you man too 🙂
My family as whole not just my kids are doing great, been nearly a month healthy.
Well done I’m really happy that you’re family have now gone on this path 🙂
I still shout at them it has no impact 🤣
Lol yeah that don’t really work man