How To Lose Fat From Your Face

This is one question that I always get from girls all the time, and sometimes from the boys but not as much…

How do I lose fat from my face ?

So this right here I will answer it for you, and over time you will see the results of your slimmer cheeks.



All the extra fat that your cheeks has is down to the excess body fat, nothing more nothing less.

Of course losing weight will make your body get slimmer and your face also.

You must know if you lose weight in your face you will lose it in your body too.

Anyone that tells you that you can lose it in a certain spot only is a fraud, and you should steer clear as they
are not being all the way 100 with you!

Cardio/aerobic exercise’s will work wonders for your whole body including your cheeks.

You burn so much fat, it’s only right your face gets slimmer too…

The issue with a lot of you is that you want it to go down straight away, and you’ve not earned the right yet.

When you put in that time, it will go down, so it comes down to how badly do you want them cheeks down?

The duration time is not as important as the time of days you put into it, it doesn’t matter if it’s just 10 to 20 mins or 40 30 to 40 mins…

It matters how often you are working over the 365 years you are giving every year.

If everyday you are doing any of these things Walking, running, dancing, swimming, riding a bike and so on you will lose weight and your cheeks will get slimmer.


 Make Water Your Go-To Drink!

Water is important for your overall health, I say this all the time!

If you’re looking to lose weight in your face, drink water every day and often.

What is messing you up is those fizzy drinks and alcohol drinks which is known for making you gain,

which of course means the face too.

So again ask yourself do I really want my cheeks to be slimmer? Am I  willing to stop drinking these drinks that are poor for my health & make my face fatter ?

Or am I just in love with the desire of having it only?  In which case you can just dream about it & not waste your time which is so precious.

Get More Fiber In You

Fiber keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will eat less because you will be too full!

It’s a compound in plant foods that digestive in us slowly this is why we feel fuller, which means no cravings.

Over time this will aid your weight loss, take from fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts & seeds.

Work On Your Sleep Schedule  

This is so important and requires you to just lay there lmao!

Sleep helps you lose weight, I don’t know why this is not a thing, but it’s true.

Get you a routine where you go to bed at the same time every night or at least most nights…

That’s like 5 or 6 days out of 7 then get up at the same time, this will really help your cause.

Sleep is the rebuild from your work, your body will work over time on that slimmer face if you will
get off that damn phone and laptop and catch some Z’s!

Sleep deprivation causes an increase in the stress hormones that comes with side effects and one of them being of course weight gain.

Get yourself 8 hours per night but not under and if you want an hour more go for 9 but not higher.

Why because under 8 hours is under sleeping which is no good to us, and 10 hours more is oversleeping which is weight gain which again is not our aim in this.  


  I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…

  What Did You Make Of All This?

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   Until We Meet Again, Ciao

  We Look Up 大

Karim David

The Healthy One


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Lola Park
Lola Park
2 years ago


Georgia Burns
Georgia Burns
2 years ago

This a lot of hard work 😂

Naomi Hughes
Naomi Hughes
2 years ago


Danielle Robertson
Danielle Robertson
2 years ago

What a life saver!

Lara Baxter
Lara Baxter
2 years ago

I’m loving this thank you so much!

Adelaide Duran
Adelaide Duran
2 years ago

I’m so happy you made this 😁

Sara Meyers
Sara Meyers
2 years ago

This is great karim thanks.

Haylie Galloway
Haylie Galloway
2 years ago

Taking hella notes now lmfao, thank you XOXOXOXO

Avery Mosley
Avery Mosley
2 years ago

You mean I got to work? oh noooooooooooo 😆

Kel Petty
Kel Petty
2 years ago

I’m taking some time to read this over, I need to loose weight in my face badly.

Reed Ellis
Reed Ellis
2 years ago

I really like that.

Ryan Brown
Ryan Brown
2 years ago

I could do with this advice so thank you.

Morgan Rogers
Morgan Rogers
2 years ago

You know us so well AHAHAHA!

Kerry Lee
Kerry Lee
2 years ago

Thanks Karimmm!

Rene Watts
Rene Watts
2 years ago


Maddox Padilla
Maddox Padilla
2 years ago


Terry Strickland
Terry Strickland
2 years ago


Val Burton
Val Burton
2 years ago

Red for me.

Lesley Holland
Lesley Holland
2 years ago

I’m loving red so red is my fav.

Rory Durham
Rory Durham
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing this advice bro.

Will Stone
Will Stone
2 years ago

Green & I’ll start on these right away .

Eli Butler
Eli Butler
2 years ago

My face needs to go on this diet lool.

Mason Walsh
Mason Walsh
2 years ago

I’m making me do this now.

Danny Ross
Danny Ross
2 years ago

My girl needs to see this.

Sky Warner
Sky Warner
2 years ago

I like red.

Cameron Raymond
Cameron Raymond
3 years ago

I don’t really like apples but I loved this.

Brook Till
Brook Till
2 years ago

Great stuff.

David Hicks
David Hicks
2 years ago

My wife will adore this one.

Carol Sanders
Carol Sanders
2 years ago

Karim this is what I needed to read!

Maisie Lee
Maisie Lee
2 years ago

I always wanted you to do this😁😁😁

Victoria Reynolds
Victoria Reynolds
2 years ago


Natasha Morris
Natasha Morris
2 years ago


Yasmin Kennedy
Yasmin Kennedy
2 years ago

Thank you bro!

Isla Davis
Isla Davis
2 years ago

Red is the best one.

Camilla Chambers
Camilla Chambers
2 years ago

Top of the shelf I must say.

Tilly Lee
Tilly Lee
2 years ago

I’m thankful for this.

Katie Fisher
Katie Fisher
2 years ago

I’m just looking forward to the day I lose my fat arsed cheeks.

Kayla Mason
Kayla Mason
2 years ago


Kate Campbell
Kate Campbell
2 years ago

I really needed this so thank you.

Lilly Cunningham
Lilly Cunningham
2 years ago

I’m making myself better each time from reading all what you put. I really hope I can lose weight in my cheeks, they’re so fat.

Leilani Knowles
Leilani Knowles
2 years ago

I never thought i would see the day.

Analia Farmer
Analia Farmer
2 years ago

I like how you done this and made sure to let us know it’s still the whole body.

Sue Campbell
Sue Campbell
2 years ago

I’m most likely going to do all of this, but wow I never expected it at all.

Salma Ingram
Salma Ingram
2 years ago

Fire bro!

Sabrina Mann
Sabrina Mann
2 years ago

2021 and you’ve solved the prob that haunts 90 percent of women, I’m crying rn!

Summer Cooke
Summer Cooke
2 years ago

Blessed to have discovered the truth.

Amaya Dixon
Amaya Dixon
2 years ago

Thank you so much karim This was a God send

Lily-Mae Turner
Lily-Mae Turner
2 years ago

Sharing this with all my sisters.

Gracie Williams
Gracie Williams
2 years ago

Thank you for this one.

Amelia Porter
Amelia Porter
2 years ago

This is something I’ve been working on, so this really goes a long way for me thanks.