How To Keep Eating Healthy All Year round

Have you ever wondered how some are able to stay eating healthy all year round ?
What seems so hard for you, but they make it easy ?
If you said yes to any of these, then let me explain something’s to you about how to keep eating healthy all year round and what it takes.

Like most things, it comes down to your desire, how many why’s can you answer for why you even want to eat healthy ?


The more reasons you know why, the better, if you are running out of reasons, it’s going to be very hard for you. Not that it cannot be done, but it will be on and off, as you need to have a reason that keeps you choosing to eat healthy.


Which is really just food, as unhealthy food, made in some lab is not really food, it’s just crap to kill you.


If you are a positive person, you have a much better chance, again that’s on anything not just for eating healthy, so your outlook is important, how are you viewing what you are looking to do, in this case eating healthy all year ?


These are questions you must answer for yourself, if you are not sure, then think before looking to do all this, or you will fail.
Also, I really don’t like even experts talking about balance, we all know we need it right, but it never seems to really be legit to me, in the flesh with those that are talking about it.
The balance I see is saying let’s eat healthy and eat junk too, but the balance is never more health over junk, which is dangerous for someone that is learning to eat healthy, a person just starting out is better to make adjustments slow granted, but should not be encouraged to make unhealthy/ poor choices on what they eat and drink, as that’s what it is..
Let’s not hide from that fact, as we would wish it to be the other way, life is about choices, for better or worse, it all adds up to your final score, so some doctor that cannot give up his addiction to white wine or his thirst for Dark chocolate and is also obese don’t wash with me!

S/O to the in shape doctors, that do their job correct an give the right health advice though, but I don’t like ones that tell off their patients and they too are in poor shape, or eating and drinking the same things.

Out of site & out of mind, keep everything locked away that will tempt you, or better still don’t buy it and save your money, so you can afford these healthy foods.


These foods are going up yes, but they cost less than your smartphone & Tv, Games console & if you smoke or drink how much you buy in the year.. It comes down to how badly do you want to change this year ?

This takes work in your mind, body and soul, we all have at least one thing we have energy to do all the time, and it’s automatic to you there is no reason why eating healthy which is a great habit to have, cannot be that, but it’s down to the smallest an biggest things you do/ think about daily.

Who you surround yourself is another factor, if you’re around those that eat badly you’re more than likely to do the same, but just like those that converted to becoming a vegan, even when their parents or partner tried to make you eat meat.

Or you were told not to do or go someplace you really wanted, you desire made you break the rules, or the unjust ones that those in your life time have tried to inpose on you, no matter the odds you made it happen!

Somethings are worth fighting for and improving, I hope you can see your health is one of them and apply right away, need any help?



Let Me Know Your Thoughts In The Comments 

& See you in the next one.. 

Ciao for now 😁

 We Look Up 

Karim David 

The Healthy One 


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Cindy Gibb
Cindy Gibb
1 year ago

Fantastic this is, I really needed this!

Maya Morris
Maya Morris
1 year ago

I’m going to make a list of why’s now, thank you 🙂

Sophia McMillan
Sophia McMillan
1 year ago


Astrid Welsh
Astrid Welsh
1 year ago

Thank you Karim

Bonnie Morgan
Bonnie Morgan
1 year ago

That’s great.

Perrie Bruce
Perrie Bruce
1 year ago

Great advice, I still want in to this health for my self.

Alex Walker
Alex Walker
1 year ago

Thank you for the tips.

Layla O'Donnell
Layla O'Donnell
1 year ago

Thank you 🙂

Eleanor MacDonald
Eleanor MacDonald
1 year ago

This is amazing, thank you for helping me.

Eleanor MacDonald
Eleanor MacDonald
1 year ago

Sharing this with my bf.

Annie Woods
Annie Woods
1 year ago

Thanks for the tips and advice, it’s very good.

Martha Quinn
Martha Quinn
1 year ago

Thank you for supporting me, I am happy that I can learn from the best!

Lauren Byrne
Lauren Byrne
1 year ago

This was a fun read 🙂

Elodie Cameron
Elodie Cameron
1 year ago

I’ll work on this from now on.

Anya Shaw
Anya Shaw
1 year ago

I need to get on your workout program asap.

Natalia Shields
Natalia Shields
1 year ago

Soild points, that I’m applying right away.

Talia Strung
Talia Strung
1 year ago

This is so good, thank you for the help.

Flora Williamson
Flora Williamson
1 year ago

Thank you!!!

Mila Foster
Mila Foster
1 year ago

Thanks for this Karimm 🙂

Ivy Dunlop
Ivy Dunlop
1 year ago

Loving this!

Darnay Heineman
Darnay Heineman
1 year ago

Good advice sir.

Luther Hayles
Luther Hayles
1 year ago

This is helping me so much, thank you so much.

Larice Bathurst
Larice Bathurst
1 year ago

I love how you called out the doctors lol, thank you for the tips too.

Jared Silburn
Jared Silburn
1 year ago

Thank you!

Isiah Thomas
Isiah Thomas
1 year ago

This is good.

Aray Keiling
Aray Keiling
1 year ago

Thank you Karim!

Jamarco Crymble
Jamarco Crymble
1 year ago

You’re a life saver.

Kyle Neaves
Kyle Neaves
1 year ago

Thank you!

Tom Ashburn
Tom Ashburn
1 year ago

Making the most out of this year & going to follow this to the letter, and everything you put out on here this year!

Lavan Malcolm
Lavan Malcolm
1 year ago

We’ve been working for some months now, I’ve neary lost all my weight, I will be taking these tips and I’m sure I will be at my goal weight by the end of this year.

Laran Usher
Laran Usher
1 year ago


Casim Vallett
Casim Vallett
1 year ago

It’s a 10 for me.

Amadom Demetries
Amadom Demetries
1 year ago

I can do this, I just needed a better teacher, that’s you 🙂

Treven Murrell
Treven Murrell
1 year ago

Thanks for the words of wisdom, I’ll even share this to support the message.

Kaynard DeCastillo
Kaynard DeCastillo
1 year ago

Thank you for the share.

Darrian Samuels
Darrian Samuels
1 year ago

Karim this was epic, thank you for the tips.