How To Handle Stress

I am doing something, you are doing something everybody is doing something on this earth. From going to work, studying in class, voluntary work, spending time with your family or simply nothing at all (that’s still something) we know this; the problem we face is when we get stressed about what we are doing, which leaves us exhausted and in a foul mood. If it’s all feeling way too much for you then you’re in good luck today.

Stress will be the death of you if you’re not careful, so without further ado here are some tips on how to handle stress in your daily life.

Caffeine, Alcohol, & Nicotine. Just Stop It!- That just goes without saying. If you’re doing these not only are you just creating more stress for yourself in the long run, you’re damaging your insides too.

To me it shows you’re not serious about your health, and to be honest you have no business here unless you’re willing to break these habits. Caffeine on the other hand is a funny one. It’s good if taken every now and then, not  if it’s  used as a wonder drug.. examples being to keep you awake, or to handle stress, because in actually fact the opposite happens. Caffeine is like nicotine it stimulates, which means it will increase your level of stress rather than reduce it.

Another thing I will add to this is the fact that if you’re drinking more Caffeine than water, then there’s a problem. Drinking more water and getting rid of or reducing your Caffeine intake will  help get rid of your stress, I would encourage you to do this if you answered yes.

Say The Word No- Far too often when we have unexpected requests for something that is way out of alignment with our plans for the day and without thinking, we say yes.

Then it starts to take its toll during the week, with more and more and you end up with more things to do than you have time to fit it all in.  The worst part about all this is that it’s all unimportant requests that either someone else can do or is just not important in that present moment/ever to you.

This is something that can make you very stressful, feeling like you are behind or have to play catch up. First of all you cannot get the time back, but then equally you are not playing catch up with anybody else, you have nothing to be stressed about with others, only yourself.. if you choose to be negative about it.

Instead  say the word “no” to unimportant requests this will build up self- confidence within you too.  I find mostly that people who are struggling to say the word no are looking to “people please”, fear  conflict  from saying no, and fear rejection.

At this point I would like to remind you that the obstacle is an Illusion that has been self-created.  If what you’re doing in your day is not enough to say the word no to unimportant request, then it’s either what I said above or you’re pretty much not up to a lot. If it is the latter, you need to re-adjust  and start thinking bigger (Click Here)

This right here even ties in with eating trash foods such as chocolates and Crisps. Learning to say the word no will strengthen you as a person mentally,  and over time you’ll not feel tempted because your mind will know better, because you are doing better.

Be Positive- Being positive, that’s your inner thoughts and your attitude/actions on the outside to others and yourself.  Even more so when things don’t go as planned, when negative situations occur being negative does not help the situation, only worsens it (Stress). Having a positive attitude is the solution to achievement and a non stressful life.

How can you expect to be healthy if you’re negative? That’s as silly as expecting an Ostrich egg from a cow! What you focus on expands so if you think positive what do you think will happen? If you’re in a negative place right now, re- focus and remember, you are what you focus on.

Take A Break- We are not machines as humans we need breaks, time to clear our heads, speak to loved ones etc. You may be physically fine but mentally deep fried.. unhealthy!  Knowing when you need to take a break whether it’s a few minutes to a lot of months is an indication that you know yourself, you care about your mental health as well as physically and are in a positive mind set.

A negative attitude is to deny yourself a break and to carry on until you are literally hospitalized and furthermore is very stupid. Work hard by all means just work smarter & eater even healthier.

Sleep Well- If you’re not sleeping very well at night you need to address the problem ASAP. This can be a stressful situation that is one of the main reasons that weight gain occurs, for accidents on the road and for a negative attitude.

Thinking way too much about what happened during the day, before going to bed= STRESS, thinking about what you will do when you wake up whilst closing your eyes.. but not really sleeping =STRESS

Instead focus on your distractions, let go of what has happened to you and focus. Have a schedule or a to do list and put down what you will do before bed so you’re not worrying.

Sleep is a very important period, so with that being said I want you to check this out (Click Here) at last you can finally get some much needed quality sleep.

Have Faith- You’re not going to know everything to the letter about what will happen to you, or anyone else so let it go. Being afraid and fearful is plaguing you and your health, because it’s creating so much stress in your day to day life.

Instead of having doubts and reasons why something will not work out for you, how about having faith about how it will. What you can control is what you can do to make sure you’re more likely to get healthy and in shape (Click Here) walking up those invisible steps with no idea where it may lead to is very scary if you have no faith. Having faith and a belief system within yourself is vital.. Stress will be a foreign language to you.


I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys.  Please do let me know though…

What Do You Make Of All This?

What’s Stressing You Out With Your Weight Right Now?

Truthfully Are You More Of A Positive Or Negative Person?

How Much Sleep Are You Getting Per Night?

Of course Any other questions are always welcome, just leave a comment below

Until Then Ciao

We Look Up 大

Karim David

The Healthy One

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Aske Paul
Aske Paul
7 years ago

I’ve got a long way to go before I’ll become stress free 😅

Oli Krog
Oli Krog
7 years ago

I’m a positive person, I hate all kinds of negativity.

Louie Taylor
Louie Taylor
7 years ago

I get stressed out when I miss a workout 😤

Oliver Brulja
Oliver Brulja
7 years ago
Reply to  Louie Taylor

Glad I’m not the only one 🙂

Ed Krnić
Ed Krnić
7 years ago

I’m very Negative with myself but positive with others.

Ishaan Fernandez
Ishaan Fernandez
7 years ago

Thanks for the advice Karim, I love this 🤗

Ishaan Fernandez
Ishaan Fernandez
7 years ago

So interesting.

Geoff Moses
Geoff Moses
7 years ago

I like these but also meditation I found helps me out a lot.

Rolando Sliva
Rolando Sliva
7 years ago

It’s nice to hear your thoughts on this Karim, I’m becoming a fitter and smarter person thank you.

Francine Descombes
Francine Descombes
7 years ago

what’s annoying me now is not discovering you at the start of the year.

Clarisse Mace
Clarisse Mace
7 years ago

This is very true

Jarmil Horáček
Jarmil Horáček
7 years ago

Very good article.

Gabriel Watts
Gabriel Watts
7 years ago

I get my 8 hours in at least 5 days a week

Louis Brown
Louis Brown
7 years ago

I don’t stress. This was really helpful to my girlfriend though , thanks 🙂

Gustavo Erickson
Gustavo Erickson
7 years ago

Saying no I really like that one.

Felix Kolář
Felix Kolář
7 years ago

Everything about this speaks to me.

Bradley Henderson
Bradley Henderson
7 years ago

Great tips karim

Anton Letzel
Anton Letzel
7 years ago


Wedida Mian
Wedida Mian
7 years ago

I can really learn from this thanks 🙂

Amit Rai
Amit Rai
7 years ago

HAHAHA Ostrich egg from a cow!

Cody Glanville
Cody Glanville
7 years ago

I’ve only be getting 4 hours a night this year but as of yesterday, I slept 9 hours and it felt so good!

Karan Serhat
Karan Serhat
7 years ago

Great article you wrote here. When you stop to process the words, it’s even more powerful I cannot promise never to stress but I’ll do my best.

Poppy Harper
Poppy Harper
7 years ago

Preach 👏🏻🙌🏻

Steve Kyrillou
Steve Kyrillou
7 years ago

I’ve only been really positive over the last 20 days on your meal plan. Before that I’ve been really down because of my weight, now I’m seeing changes did you get my message ?

Elsa Bischoff
Elsa Bischoff
7 years ago

No more stress for me 😀

Helmina Flesch
Helmina Flesch
7 years ago

“Being afraid and fearful is plaguing you and your health, because it’s creating so much stress in your day to day life.” 😘

Zlatko Matešić
Zlatko Matešić
7 years ago

I like this and I am positive person.

Dirk Schuimer
Dirk Schuimer
7 years ago

I don’t get anywhere near the recommended amount, I’ve got to improve on this.

Reili Koiv
Reili Koiv
7 years ago

What use to stress me out about weight loss was the products, but It make sense what you was explaining about what they do.

Lee Little
Lee Little
7 years ago
Reply to  Karim

I like the wording here “Di-stress” 😆

Roy Eyşan
Roy Eyşan
7 years ago

Love the advice Karim thanks 🙂

Tamás Márió
Tamás Márió
7 years ago

My sleep has improved thanks to your article about it. I would like to thank you for giving me peace of mind at night 🙂

Eila Jussila
Eila Jussila
7 years ago

Great post Karim this really helped.

Christiane Krauss
Christiane Krauss
7 years ago

I’m positive so long as I’ve eaten 😅

Silvano Pirri
Silvano Pirri
7 years ago

We are alike then 🙂

Toby Hopkins
Toby Hopkins
7 years ago

What’s frustrating about it is I thought it would be easier lol.

Georgios Dimitriou
Georgios Dimitriou
7 years ago
Reply to  Toby Hopkins

Me too but I want to walk the walk.

Piper Gallagher
Piper Gallagher
7 years ago

I really like this a lot, because right now I’m looking to become stress free.

Alex Thurman
Alex Thurman
7 years ago


Jude Patrick
Jude Patrick
7 years ago

I get 6 hours per night.

Sean Bennett
Sean Bennett
7 years ago

Great post Karim, I sleep 8 hours thanks to you and I’m very positive person.

Tyson Chambers
Tyson Chambers
7 years ago

Love it 👏🏾

Lucian Willis
Lucian Willis
7 years ago

Thanks for all the tips Karim!

Adi Thaamira
Adi Thaamira
7 years ago

You’re right we need to have more faith in what we do. Thank you for reminding me 🙂

Jesse Turner
Jesse Turner
7 years ago

Why can’t I sleep 13 hours ?

Martti Alen
Martti Alen
7 years ago

Thanks for sharing this great article, I believe I am a positive person and I get 7 hours sleep.

Ellen Saana
Ellen Saana
7 years ago

More faith in what we do I love that.

Ruben Cambeiro
Ruben Cambeiro
7 years ago

I need to start saying no more often. I always say yes without even thinking, thanks for this!

Noah Rohde
Noah Rohde
7 years ago

I only sleep for 2 hours.

Sheba Meseret
Sheba Meseret
7 years ago

What stresses me out about my weight is the overwhelm of it all.

Dirk Winkler
Dirk Winkler
7 years ago

Great article Karim! I’m left stressed when I get tempted to eat chocolates left over from my house, what should I do ?

Claudia Degan
Claudia Degan
7 years ago

Love this and the other one you did 🙂

Marin Nakić
Marin Nakić
7 years ago

I’m very positive despite current events in the world 🙂

Zac Holland
Zac Holland
7 years ago

Thanks for speaking truth on stress.

Ethan Acevedo
Ethan Acevedo
7 years ago

I’ve gotten 8 hours a night for the last 2 months now, thanks man.

Mario Ragona
Mario Ragona
7 years ago

Excellent post.