This for those of you that want to boost your own immune system & know how to help your own body fight off many forms of illnesses.
The change of lifestyle will strengthen your body’s immunity but will not in any shape or form stop you from getting COVID-19…
You still have to keep your distance and all that, so please don’t think if you do this you cannot get it!
So below are some tips that I know work and help boost your immunity.
Get Your Hours Of Sleep In
This is why I’m saying we need to get our hours in, not 5 hours not 6 hours, not 10 hours.. Us adults seem to know
how many hours to put a baby in bed but not ourselves.. That makes ZERO sense!
We need 8 hours sleep, that is the number… If you want an hour more you can get 9 but no more!
Those of you that are under 6 hours get sick the most and catch colds, when you sleep 8 hours you’re more likely to beat the illnes that come your way such as a cold.
If you want ways on how to get better sleep just put in my search engine sleep & fill your boots, my Di1’s that been knew should not be in the dark about how many hours of sleep per night they should be getting.. So this was really for the new ones.
Eat More Whole Foods
This is a must the more whole foods you eat the better! What kind?, well whole plant foods are perfect for you…
I’m talking fruit and veg, nuts, seeds and legumes all of which are very rich in nutrients/ antioxidants that keep sickness away.
This one is a no-brainer and the more you add this to your lifestyle the less sick you will become so get eating asap.
Stop Adding Added Sugars
This is what is causing a lot of obesity, these refined carbs are no good for you and are unhealthy.
If you’re obese then of course the likelihood of you getting sick is increased too.
Cutting out your sugar intake will decrease any sort of inflammation and aid your weight loss, which is great because it lowers your chances of getting type 2 diabetes or even heart disease.
You may hear others telling you that you need to limit it, but never me!
It’s not needed & I don’t add it, so I speak how I eat and drink by, If that bar is too high for you, it’s really not my prob…
Just know It’s because I care about you & don’t want none of you to end up with chronic illness like type two diabetes which can be prevented.
Working out is a great way to keep your immune systyem boosted. When you workout each week this will reduce inflammations and also help you lose weight.
Now it does not even have to be the gym, or just the gym becasue workouts include the following below…
Brisk walking, jogging, swimming, biking, shadow boxing the list goes on.
If you do this often you’ll feel so much better and will really be healthy.
Stop Stressing
I got tips for that too, that will help you out for sure.

This is really gooood info.
I’m thankful for the share Karim, thank you so much.
You’re welcome
Thanks for the help with this.
You’re welcome
Chris sent me here.
Hey Helene
The workout part.
Great advice.
Thank you!
I’m not sick often but feel weak.
Could be a lack of iron I’m not sure, come thru & speak with the team on my contact page.. We got you.
Working out.
Very happy to have read this today, this will help me out I think thanks.
I’m glad!
This is very good karim keep it up.
Thank you Ivi.
Adding of sugar.
Good pick.
Thanks for the shared tips.
You’re welcome
Stop adding sugar.
Yes this is for the best.
This was very good bro.
I get sick when I eat junk food tbh.
Who can blame you? It’s straight garbage.. Thank you for letting us know.
Fire tips bro thanks.
You’re welcome
Kim sent me here.
Eating more whole foods.
Nice I’m glad to hear it
Thank you for your advice brother.
You’re welcome Mazi
Sou sent me here!
Hey welcome Andy!
Often sick but I want to be healthy now.
Well you’ve come to the right place then.
The biggest impact here with these tips
Thank you.
Rest or sleep.
Ok Tim thanks for letting us know.
Whole foods.
I love this!
Thanks for the love.
Alex sent me here.
Hey Joey!
Thank youuu
Thank you for the help
You’re welcome anytime Jimmy!
Great read.
Thanks Ishi