How To Be Flexible With Your Healthy Eating

Β There are many things that can throw are healthy eating off track when we are eating out, too tired to cook, or just got a load of things to do with no food prep.


So this is all about when we don’t get to order our first choice, and it’s less healthy than we wanted it to be on the day.


For you to know that it’s ok & to be flexible with your healthy eating, however this does not extend to eating big branded fast food chains!


Β That just means you did that ish on purpose, and this will not be the one for you…

Β Β 

That’s not nor ever will be ok, & that’s on you to live with that I will not be making you feel good about eating such ish LMAO!

Β Anyway let’s go!!!


Things Don’t Always Go To Plan

This is a fact of life, why should food be any different?


Β We all have things we need to focus on, things that can take us off our focus or something happens in our life that gets us to pause in a good or a bad way…


It just takes us longer than we thought, and we ate less healthy that day.


Β What I’m talking about is we missed our greens, but we only had fruits and had white rice instead of brown… Oops!


My advice to you is to prep yourself as often as you can the day before, what you will eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.


Β If it seems like a lot, start with your snacks only, how many will I eat, what will I eat & when do I plan to eat them??


Β Even with all that being done your plan still might not go to plan, you could be in an emergency or be rushed off your feet because of an unforeseen reason etc.


Β It’s at these times we really see how healthy that you are with your eating, what you go to foods are either in your home or what you will go and get from the shop or the take-out, when you have not much time to think and have to make a snap decision.


When you eat healthy for long enough, trust me, it becomes a lot easier, and it will become automatic.


However, if you do not start, it will always be what it has been, you feel me?



It’s not Impossible, you just need to tell yourself I’m possible… In the grand scheme of things, healthy eating is a breeze It’s really not rocket science, but what I’ve come to notice it’s more mental & without main stream media or influencers encouraging daily/doing it themselves, so it’s a part of the culture…



Many are unwilling. What I will say though is this, no matter how long it takes for you to make the changes in your eating habits or for you to go to the next level on your eating habits, the one constant that will be here is Di Nutrition. Healthy in every way… 24/7 365, but if not now then when?.


It’s Just One Meal

Whatever is going on in your life, you have to be able to adapt to the circumstances.


When you are eating out, go for the healthiest meal that you can, don’t feel guilty or get stressed about it being less.


Β If it’s healthy don’t stress, I see so many looking at numbers and want to count calories… it’s going to drive you insane.


Β You should be counting your nine lives is still nine if you’re eating from fast food joints, smoking, drinking etc. If you’re eating well, and drinking your water often you don’t stress, you’re calm.


Β I’ve heard so many times it’s just one meal, but I only hear this when it’s for terrible eating.


That same person eating habits is in the toilet, and they have health complications to do with bad eating and drinking.


One meal is all it takes to get into a habit, all it takes is one… Most of these fast food joints pack their foods with added sugar.


Which is addictive & keeps you hooked, so less of the it’s only one meal, please.


Β One meal does not make you healthy nor unhealthy, but your overall choices do. We eat more than just one thing per day, right ?


So that one meal can lead to a cycle of eating trash, plus only seeing trash food items that make us sicker and unwell and depressed… Why risk that ish?



I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys.

Β Please do let me know though…


Where & What Foods Have You Eaten That Have Made You Feel Guilty This Year?


Β Where Are Your Go-To Places When Out On The Road Looking For Food?


Β How Are You Feeling Today?


Until We Meet Again, Ciao

 We Look Up 倧


Karim David

The Healthy One


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Nataőa ŽÑčkovÑ
Nataőa ŽÑčkovÑ
3 years ago

Ice cream

Markéta KučerovÑ
Markéta KučerovÑ
3 years ago

I like how you did this, well done.

Valérie KovÑčovÑ
Valérie KovÑčovÑ
3 years ago


Iva ZajíčkovÑ
Iva ZajíčkovÑ
3 years ago

Fast foods.

Vanda BurianovΓ‘
Vanda BurianovΓ‘
3 years ago

Hot dogs.

Denisa ŘíhovÑ
Denisa ŘíhovÑ
3 years ago

I just need to think more, and the plan will help.

Laura SlavΓ­kovΓ‘
Laura SlavΓ­kovΓ‘
3 years ago

So much beer for me.

Milena AdΓ‘mkovΓ‘
Milena AdΓ‘mkovΓ‘
3 years ago


Stanislava MatΔ›jkovΓ‘
Stanislava MatΔ›jkovΓ‘
3 years ago

Thanks for the share bro.

Erika JanouΕ‘kovΓ‘
Erika JanouΕ‘kovΓ‘
3 years ago

John sent me here.

Joren Schuttert
Joren Schuttert
3 years ago

Not much to be fair, but I need to work on my health so I will take the advice.

Nicolaas Boonstra
Nicolaas Boonstra
3 years ago

All fast food, but I want to improve on this.

Ron Croese
Ron Croese
3 years ago

I eat a lot better now, but on the road I must do better.

David de Beer
David de Beer
3 years ago

I’m doing good.

Stefan Schuttelaar
Stefan Schuttelaar
3 years ago

Thanks for the advice.

Nanko Bloemhof
Nanko Bloemhof
3 years ago

Thank you so much for this!

Sander Stappenbeld
Sander Stappenbeld
3 years ago

This is really hard for me, but I’m going to start as I need to.

Naud Veldhuizen
Naud Veldhuizen
3 years ago

Never read anything like it. This is a good thing.

Karl Schreiers
Karl Schreiers
3 years ago


Walter Kodden
Walter Kodden
3 years ago


Lance Steer
Lance Steer
3 years ago

Jelly beans

Jarel Vere
Jarel Vere
3 years ago


Clarence Smith
Clarence Smith
3 years ago

I needed this.

Ethan Daly
Ethan Daly
3 years ago

I need more will power to do this.

Deshane Roxburgh
Deshane Roxburgh
3 years ago

Thank you so much for the advice, I like to take advice from those that really know and you do so thank you.

Dejohn Tilford
Dejohn Tilford
3 years ago

Great info and for me it’s beer.

Corey Lague
Corey Lague
3 years ago


Jo Nixon
Jo Nixon
3 years ago

Chris sent me here.

Demonde Ledwick
Demonde Ledwick
3 years ago

Lol I felt this too much.

Dontrell McKnight
Dontrell McKnight
3 years ago

Alex sent me here.

Oli Thomas
Oli Thomas
3 years ago

Thank you for the share.

Natalie Strutton
Natalie Strutton
3 years ago

I really felt bad and ate even worse, but what you’re saying here makes sense, I’ve got to stop being so hard on myself.

Tashaonda Poole
Tashaonda Poole
3 years ago

Always unique on your takes, I love this and enjoy reading what you’ve got to say.

Tandi Bonnett
Tandi Bonnett
3 years ago

Thanks for this bro.

Ornella Conningham
Ornella Conningham
3 years ago

Lee sent me here.

Ayana Marks
Ayana Marks
3 years ago

My whole family need to read this one Lmao

Tia Windos
Tia Windos
3 years ago


Frank Worthstone
Frank Worthstone
3 years ago

Thank you so much for this one.

Tawanda Pantofflett
Tawanda Pantofflett
3 years ago


Shenice Scollary
Shenice Scollary
3 years ago

Ice cream