Foods To Stock Up On During The Covid-19 Pandemic

For as long as this virus is around for we need to be extra cautious and really boss up on what we’re eating
this year!

So I’ve created a list of food for you to go out and stock up on, that will arm you better against this virus & keep you healthy.

I mean of course it goes without saying we must still wash our hands and keep our distance.. We just cannot forget what we eat and drink either.

The list is below..


Do you have a reusable bottle to drink from?  Have you invested in a water filter??

If no to anyone of them then please read this (Click Here)

This will save you from spending so much in the long-term.

This is much better than wasting money on plastic bottles that are not good for planet and cannot be reused. 



This goes for any type of Milk you like to drink too not just cows!

Get it fresh & canned or anyway you feel.. put them in the freezer if need be but this one should be easy to do.



Canned in juice or water, dried, frozen, & of course fresh!

Just know if you buy it fresh you cannot afford to just leave it there because it will go off and spoil.

I don’t want that for you as it will be a waste of money, so what I would suggest especially with citrus fruits & berries

Is to cut it all up and mix it together and then put it in the fridge or freezer to eat at your will.



Super necessary stock up on Couscous, Brown rice, Brown Pasta, Oats etc.

All of the above will leave you feeling fuller for longer too.



This is a must stock up on them whilst you can! Everything green for sure and more..

Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Onions, Carrots, Aubergine, Mushrooms etc. 



Get them fresh and eat all of it including the yolks, despite what you have heard  the full egg is the healthiest way to eat them.



Hard, Sliced, Cubed, Shredded etc stock up!


Beans & Legumes

Canned ones such as Black beans, black eye peas, chick peas & dry beans.



Nuts & seeds not salted though! Peanut butter.



Frozen it’s that simple.



Tuna, Salmon & Sardines is a great start.



Frozen and make sure it’s lean.


Extra Flavour

Add a little extraaaaaaa with..

Dried herbs & spices, vinegars, mustard, lemon/lime juice & Greek yogurt.



I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know, though…
What did you make of the list?
Which Items did you get from the list ?

 How Are You Feeling Today ?  

Until We Meet Again, Ciao

We  Look Up


Karim David

The Healthy One






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Joel Watson
Joel Watson
4 years ago

Thanks Bud, Everything is open now but I suppose it could shut again.

Lee Porter
Lee Porter
4 years ago

Strange time to put this list out but thanks anyway 🙂

Kai Jackson
Kai Jackson
4 years ago

Do you think we will have to stock up again soon ?

Archie Fletcher
Archie Fletcher
4 years ago

Nice list Karim I can’t help but notice though there is a bigger reason behind this, would I be right in thinking this ?

Charlie Butler
Charlie Butler
4 years ago

I think I’ll hang on to this one just incase we end up having to stay home.. THANK YOU!

Ray Mcguire
Ray Mcguire
4 years ago

I’m feeling like water is a must now it’s bloody boiling!!!

Keenan Burke
Keenan Burke
4 years ago

I will be inside for the next two weeks because I came off a flight so I’ll be using this list, thank you so much.

Bo Dickerson
Bo Dickerson
4 years ago

This should of been done ages ago we are all alowed out now.

Rylee Paul
Rylee Paul
4 years ago

Cheers for the list Karim.

Rory Townsend
Rory Townsend
4 years ago

I’m feeling fine & chicken or water

Isabelle Holmes
Isabelle Holmes
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing this with me, milk but almond

Eve Harris
Eve Harris
4 years ago

Fine list you’ve got over here 🙂

Maisie King
Maisie King
4 years ago

June has been a blessed month for the amount of advice I’ve been getting here TY 🙂 🙂 🙂

Poppy Cooke
Poppy Cooke
4 years ago

Nuts for me I need to keep eating them as snacks as even now I’m feeling like eating sugary stuff, I do not have any in at the moment but I think I’ll get a load because of this.

Harriet Berry
Harriet Berry
4 years ago

The meats for me it helps cover up the veg that you’re making me eat lol.

Norah Jacobson
Norah Jacobson
4 years ago

Good info 🙂

Milena Norris
Milena Norris
4 years ago

Thanks for that 🙂

Alia Walls
Alia Walls
4 years ago

I’m dropping so much weight now because of your tips on what to eat so whatever you say goes 🙂

Bri Parrish
Bri Parrish
4 years ago


Blakely Sutton
Blakely Sutton
4 years ago

Water and Milk

Megan Hunter
Megan Hunter
4 years ago


Jessica Stone
Jessica Stone
4 years ago

Water and fruits

Kayla Gardner
Kayla Gardner
4 years ago

Fruit plus Water

Amelia Carr
Amelia Carr
4 years ago

Cheese X Water

Zoe Bates
Zoe Bates
4 years ago

Thanks for the share! I’m great and you ?

Katie Boyd
Katie Boyd
4 years ago


Alyssa Jackson
Alyssa Jackson
4 years ago

Gott to be water

Judith David
Judith David
4 years ago

Very wise young man

Reese Hanson
Reese Hanson
4 years ago

water and beef

Lilly Hampton
Lilly Hampton
4 years ago

I think water and tuna

Joshua Bailey
Joshua Bailey
4 years ago

All of them really

Kieran Jenkins
Kieran Jenkins
4 years ago

Eggs and tuna

Dan Chidy
Dan Chidy
4 years ago

No sweets ?

Oluchi Jioke
Oluchi Jioke
4 years ago


Chinwe Jelaney
Chinwe Jelaney
4 years ago

Tuna, Milk, Cheese, Nuts & Seeds.

Ifama Obi
Ifama Obi
4 years ago

Water and tuna I cannot live without them these.

Hali Uchechy
Hali Uchechy
4 years ago

Thank you for making this list It really has been a help.

Chizoba Ndidi
Chizoba Ndidi
4 years ago

Grains and Water

Alex Chidiebere
Alex Chidiebere
4 years ago

Very happy with your list 🙂

James Obasy
James Obasy
4 years ago

Everything and cut out getting drunk I must do