Foods That Cause Inflammation To Your Body

To be clear I’m only calling this food for the SEO (It hurts to put it) Inflammation is your body’s natural way of protecting you from when you get sick or suffer injury.


 It helps defend your body from many illnesses and helps you heal.


However, I’m talking about chronic inflammation that makes you more likely to get a chronic disease like…

Heart disease, diabetes or obesity!


 So these are food that will put you at a higher risk of getting inflammation and chronic disease.



Trans Fats That Are Artificial

This is like eating from the bottom of the trash, and so unhealthy for you to be doing so.


They are made by adding hydrogen to the unsaturated fats & it’s liquid, it’s liquid, so it’s stable and can be more of a solid fat (YUK).


It also contains margarine, which is not healthy for you at all, despite the myth that it’s better than butter!


They do have a long shelf life though, unlike the natural trans fats that are found in meat and dairy, artificial trans fats are known to cause inflammation and increase your chances of getting a chronic disease.


You can find these in foods such as chips, fried fast food, microwave popcorn, cookies, mini cakes and vegetable oil which has no vegetable in it at all… If you did not know.





Vegetable & Seed Oils


I’ve done many posts about vegetable oils before & it not being good for you.


I feel bad for those that really think they are being healthy by choosing this oil.


To fight against this, stop using them but also get your omega-3 rich foods such as…


Fatty fish like salmon, I must also add that vegetable and seed oils are in many processed foods,  that you would not consider healthy so go figure.



I’m talking sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, table sugar etc…


These are the main sugars that are used for your added sugar & the west add up boyyyy!


Sugar is half glucose and fructose, while the high fructose corn syrup is about 45 percent and fructose 55 percent.


One of the reasons that added sugar is so harmful is that it increases inflammation, which leads to disease, as we all know.


This is why small amounts of fructose in fruits and vegetables is A-OK, it’s when you are eating these junk you are eating foods they add, added sugars too, which is killing you and adding nothing to you but taking.


Eating a lot of fructose is linked to diabetes, obesity, fatty liver disease, cancer etc. Chocolate, soft drinks, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, sweet pastries and sugary cereals have this in them.



Refined Carbohydrates


Carbohydrates are not all bad, but these are!


Eating refined carbs are bad and give you inflammation….  Refined carbs have had most of their fiber stripped from it.


Fiber helps us feel fuller for longer, helps fight bacteria in our guts, etc.


Eating these can have you getting inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, so it’s one to watch out for.


White bread, white pasta, pastries, certain cereals, cookies, cakes, soft drinks, and all processed foods that have added sugar or flour in them.



Amongst the many bad things that come with drinking that we all know about.


If you drink, you’re more at risk of getting inflammation, you will have problems with bacterial toxins moving out of your colon and into your body.


The more you drink and the more years you do it for, the worse it gets.


It’s a poison, so that speaks for itself & no wonder it made the list!


Processed Meat

Eating processed meat is linked with the risk of getting heart attack, diabetes and stomach and colon cancer.


The foods you can find this in are sausage, bacon, ham, smoked meat etc.


Processed meat sucks and is linked with colon cancer strongly, so I would advise to stop eating this.



I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys.

Please do let me know though…


Which One Of These Do You Eat ?


How Many Of These Do You Have Per Week ?


How Are You Feeling Today?


Until We Meet Again, Ciao

  We Look Up


Karim David 

The Healthy One 

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Matija Bulat
Matija Bulat
3 years ago

Avoid at all cost, got it!

Velimir Perica
Velimir Perica
3 years ago

This is really good, thanks for the advice.

Zlatko Banovac
Zlatko Banovac
3 years ago

This is going to help me cut out the crap now.

Robert Ramić
Robert Ramić
3 years ago

Thanks for the share!

Jan Karabajić
Jan Karabajić
3 years ago

Alex sent me here.

Mislav Čavlović
Mislav Čavlović
3 years ago


Jakov Gašljević
Jakov Gašljević
3 years ago

Just on weekends.

Neven Dugandžić
Neven Dugandžić
3 years ago

Thanks for teaching me this.

Craig Grabovac
Craig Grabovac
3 years ago

I’ve been having stomach problems because of this, thank you for pointing this points out.

Ružica Milčić
Ružica Milčić
3 years ago


Petra Zubak
Petra Zubak
3 years ago

Drink will be the hardest, but it’s only going to make me stronger😩

Ines Bikić
Ines Bikić
3 years ago

Refined carbs.

Zrin Mlinar
Zrin Mlinar
3 years ago

Lee sent me here.

Snježana Bosanac
Snježana Bosanac
3 years ago

This was really helpful 🔥🔥🔥

Tatjana Pavlaković
Tatjana Pavlaković
3 years ago

I’m going for all at the time, as I’m already cutting them out already😁

Patricija Vukušić
Patricija Vukušić
3 years ago

Everyday, I need to cut down.

Nelly Bunčić
Nelly Bunčić
3 years ago

Processed meat 🤢

Hana Špiljak
Hana Špiljak
3 years ago

Five days a week & thank you for sharing.

Martina Luketić
Martina Luketić
3 years ago


Hraf Grankelsdóttir
Hraf Grankelsdóttir
3 years ago

Three times a week.

Jara Leósdóttir
Jara Leósdóttir
3 years ago

Appreciate this!

Dimmblá Höskuldsdóttir
Dimmblá Höskuldsdóttir
3 years ago

Got to take this seriously, thank you for the tips.

Emelína Galtadóttir
Emelína Galtadóttir
3 years ago

Not much, but I really liked this.

Ian Schiffer
Ian Schiffer
3 years ago

I’ll need this right now, processed meat first.

Anika Skorradóttir
Anika Skorradóttir
3 years ago

Taking my notes as I need to lose weight.

Poll Sigurþórsdóttir
Poll Sigurþórsdóttir
3 years ago

Thanks for this one!

Reyndís Kiddadóttir
Reyndís Kiddadóttir
3 years ago

Ryan sent me here!!!

Liam Anderson
Liam Anderson
3 years ago

The drink is my weakness.

Maxima Jónþórsdóttir
Maxima Jónþórsdóttir
3 years ago

I feel so bad I need to work harder now 😄😄😄

Mani Pahlevan
Mani Pahlevan
3 years ago

Carbs .

Reza Sadiq
Reza Sadiq
3 years ago

Alex sent me here and I’m happy to have come, your content is crazy!

Kambiz Qanbari
Kambiz Qanbari
3 years ago

Lee sent me here.

Erfan Mirzaii
Erfan Mirzaii
3 years ago

Thank you for the help.

Esfandiyar Fallah
Esfandiyar Fallah
3 years ago

Chris sent me here

Ali Eftekhar
Ali Eftekhar
3 years ago

Thank you!

Shahin Abbasi
Shahin Abbasi
3 years ago

Only on weekends, but I’m looking to stop that.

Kaveh Pirdoost
Kaveh Pirdoost
3 years ago

Too many of these I do, so I need to work on these now.

Asghar Soleymani
Asghar Soleymani
3 years ago

This has given me motivation to change.

Samireh Khakwani
Samireh Khakwani
3 years ago


Zina Wur
Zina Wur
3 years ago


Nazilla Usmani
Nazilla Usmani
3 years ago

Processed meat.

Layla Buriro
Layla Buriro
3 years ago

I really want to take my health to the next level, this will help.

Mudrika Mangi
Mudrika Mangi
3 years ago

Going plant based on your meal plan.

Nate Naqvi
Nate Naqvi
3 years ago

Thank you so much for this, I’ll need this.