Do I Need Protein Powder ?


Do I need protein powder ? This is something people always ask. whether they are looking to put on size or lose weight, it’s a question that never goes away. So now I’m going to share with you my thoughts on protein powder as a whole, and whether or not you need it or not.


Protein powder is the most common supplement taken in the world of bodybuilding and weight training gyms.

The most popular ones amongst the bigger names in the fitness industry are whey and casein, which are proteins delivered from cow’s milk. I have a fact for you too, these substances are the most consumed protein powder’s worldwide.

Many athletes across the board in most sports consume an excessive amount of protein in the belief that the more you take the better you’ll be.

Companies are telling the public that they need to eat ridiculous amounts of high protein, without much thought to the consequences that come with excessive consumption.

The obsession with having large amounts of protein is so ingrained in our culture, that we are even told that if we don’t eat meat, it will be almost impossible to get any protein at all.


This is just another reason why protein supplements are in our diets everywhere, what they are doing is planting the fear into you, that you won’t get enough of a certain nutrient, so that means the companies themselves will sponsor supplement manufactures who in turn, sponsor athletes who represent and take their products.

This then gets the supplements seen by a wider audience, which leads to fans trusting the brands as they admire and look up to the athletes. Then they go out and purchase the supplements. This then creates an endless cycle that drives sales and profits, while potentially harming the health of many people who ironically want to live longer healthier lives.


You’ve seen all the magazines, websites and books feeding into this nonsense to gain bucks from you. This is why I feel I must speak up about this, and debunk these lies by showing you a healthier way to support your fitness goals without any substances.

Even if we look deeper into what is in the supplements (other than the cow’s milk) being sold, we find that some ingredients are of really bad quality anyway, for example: the process of making protein powders often leads to the healthy benefits being messed up made useless as a healthy supplement.


I am not talking about burning a steak or eating an egg which has been contaminated with salmonella. I’m talking about very high temperatures where the proteins are being heated to the point where our bodies do not recognize it as food anymore.

On top of that,many of the manufactures add chemical, toxic ingredients to their products. Aspartame, Saccharin, Fructose and artificial colouring to name a few ( you may see this written on the label).

Processed protein powders also contain heavy metals in them… doesn’t sound too appetizing huh ?



Getting your protein from real food sources instead! you can get that from meats, eggs, milk and dairy. In all of that above you get a good balance of your fats, carbs and proteins (You’ll like these) (Click Here)ย  (Click Here) .

So there is no real reason to be taking crap such as protein powders or shakes now. Unless you are impatient, lazy and a god damn cheat who will carry on relying on consuming crap into your system, which will catch up with you in the end.

Whereas if you are patient, hard working and see the long term advantages eating real food, that indicates someone who understands their own health, not just fixated on a so called quick fix. Because let me tell you, even if you do opt to take this stuff. You still have to do the work (there is no magic pill).

I know of this first hand.. as people I know have done this.. not done the work, which has made them gain weight further and become really ill if already big, or making the slimmest of people put on a load of weight to the point of obesity.

With all that being said the question now is why would you want to ?

How you answer that question will tell me a lot about you!




I’ve enjoyed doing this one as it’s a different topic to what I would normally talk about.. Food!

Please do let me know what did you make of my thoughts on protein powder?

Do you take protein powder already… and still stand by it ?

Were you aware of the marketing tricks played on you, but didn’t care because you just wanted the so called “quick fix”?

Let me know by leaving a comment below

Until next time ciao ๐Ÿ™‚











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Olaf Kluck
Olaf Kluck
8 years ago

I have always found that there are a mixture of opinions on this, i don’t use protien shakes or any recovery drinks/powders just real food.

Tรฝr Funisson
Tรฝr Funisson
8 years ago

I’ve heard in a lecture by a sports nutritionist that some of the protein powders that are designed for weight-lifting/ body-building types in specialist shops can often contain hidden peformance-enhancing things which are often illegal for sports.

Garo Sasounian
Garo Sasounian
8 years ago

laughs…. well so long as its not just me ….laughs

Alena Kadlcovรก
Alena Kadlcovรก
8 years ago

There is a lot of mis-information when it comes to protein powder marketing and that many arenโ€™t as healthy as they claim to be.

Brygus Mate
Brygus Mate
8 years ago

Agreed its the best way forward.

Pietro Kosta
Pietro Kosta
8 years ago

The ingredient list is kind of terrifying.

Dillon Clay
Dillon Clay
8 years ago

Iโ€™ve used protein powders as supplement at various times over the years. I think at best they may have helped me build some muscle when I was doing intense weight training. But at worse โ€“ I think I can safely say that every time I used protein powder on a regular basis, I always gained fat. So no more, I get my protein in real, whole foods.

Corey Audu
Corey Audu
8 years ago
Reply to  Dillon Clay

I had the same experience,gained a little muscle but mostly fat.

Rachel Hernรกndez
Rachel Hernรกndez
8 years ago

I,ve been using True Whey brand protein powder in my morning breakfast shake most days. I mix it with organic canned coconut milk (diluted one to one), greens powder, ground flax, whole soaked flax seed, and 1/2 cup frozen berries. Should I re-think this?

Caitlin Green
Caitlin Green
8 years ago

Being a vegetarian, I struggle in finding the right combo of proteins to meet my daily energy level. Recently, had blood work done, and not surprising, my protein was low.This should really help me fight back, thank you.

Lillian Mayer
Lillian Mayer
8 years ago

Thanks so much for all your awesome ideas and information!

Abbie Moses
Abbie Moses
8 years ago

Hi Karim,

What is your opinion on Orgain protein powder to drink after exercising. I tried it today and really liked it. I eat whole food meals already and make smoothies with greens and fruits, almond butter, etc and thought I would add this in as well. Do you think itโ€™s a good one and safe/healthy?

Thank so much ?

Lily King
Lily King
8 years ago

what protein shake do you recommend for a vegetarian? thanks

Lily King
Lily King
8 years ago

This is quite hard to get my head around. As this goes against everything I thought I knew.

John Baker
John Baker
8 years ago

I use to use whey back in the day.

It got me nowhere, i did feel like recovery time was quicker.. but I also gained 10 pounds of FAT!

Lesly Carr
Lesly Carr
8 years ago

So proud of this site. At last the real truth is being spoken nice work karim!

Treshaun Richards
Treshaun Richards
8 years ago

Whey really processed

Dhani joshi
Dhani joshi
8 years ago

Eat healthy high protein food and just keeping it natural for me it’s the best. It’s all about long term. Protein shakes I use to tak when I was 19/20 untill karim David told me to keep it natural โ˜บโ˜บ

Karims advice is just a blessing for us all. Thanks brother?

Troy Lafaille
Troy Lafaille
8 years ago

This was a very good piece you wrote. I’ve never heard or knew anything about the dangerous of protein powder before.

I was taking it I’ll be honest, but now I never will again.

Thank you Sir.

Pierre-Marie Veil
Pierre-Marie Veil
8 years ago

Excellent Post Karim

Robin Bloom
Robin Bloom
8 years ago

I was going to start taking it. But after reading this I wont.

Stan Vlogaert
Stan Vlogaert
8 years ago

Great points Karim! I’m a former user and can tell you upfront that none of these powders in the long run help.

Felipe Araรบjo
Felipe Araรบjo
8 years ago

I always rember what my teacher told me he said good food is the thing to get muscle pack on.

Tadeu Silva
Tadeu Silva
8 years ago

I say you don’t need to take it if you’re already taking your recommended daily intake on protein. The average population gets way more than enough protein.

Taisha Wight
Taisha Wight
8 years ago

I am a young woman in college, and I workout 4 to 5 times a week. I have been considering taking protien, my boyfriend drinks protien & milk, but after this advise I’ve had a change of heart.

Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

Isaac Gould
Isaac Gould
8 years ago

And so it was written. Amen.:)

Timo Laar
Timo Laar
8 years ago

This is very true to life.

8 years ago

Wow this really is against my original thoughts.

Jonas Melo
Jonas Melo
8 years ago

Great post Karim so much to learn here.

Said Serhane
Said Serhane
8 years ago

This is a good article. The more research I do on whey protein the more I realize how bad it is.

Romeo Barbato
Romeo Barbato
8 years ago

Yes, whey protein is bad for you. It is hard to digest and is toxic.

Luigi Sava
Luigi Sava
8 years ago

I believe protein shakes are a total waste of money and eating correctly with real wholesome food is the cheapest and best option.

Owen Wells
Owen Wells
8 years ago

He is a hundred percent right. Most doctors don’t know shit about health. Scientists and their studies have proven these theories a fact. People need to wake up and read more or understand big pharm and most doctors today are in it to sell meds rather than find the cause or cure to a disease or allergy. Eat greens, and stay lean. Nature offers everything the body needs that you can’t get from a man made synthetic concoction.

Angel Zarco
Angel Zarco
8 years ago

Whey protein is the root of obesity no.

Vayu More
Vayu More
8 years ago

Your blog is excellent. I am waiting for more to see in your blog…really its very informative for us.

Zena Sanna
Zena Sanna
8 years ago

whey protein caused me to have horrible cystic acne on my buttocks dating back from my college years to recently. 10-12 years it would appear and disappear sometimes HORRIBLE and other times almost complete remission. I tried every cream , antibiotic, wash…always made sure to be clean etc. Then I started eliminating foods from my diet which i had never thought of…. WHEY protein was the one and only consistent item i never removed. I was even using grass fred whey and still had problems. I tried no gluten/ no dairy/ no grains a llll that. Not joke the day after I gave up WHEY protein i started seeing improvement, its crazy. I ll never go back even though i loved making shakes. i just stick with meat or hemp shakes for extra protein….. no where on the internet does it say whey is an autoimmune culprit……

Swen Schutz
Swen Schutz
8 years ago

very interesting post.this is my first time here.i found so mmany interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion..thanks for the post!

Paul Nicholson
Paul Nicholson
8 years ago

I Appreciate you speaking up about this Karim. Not many people who already know about this would, profits over care.

Ingrid Bittencourt
Ingrid Bittencourt
8 years ago

Never taken Whey before in my life but now i know i never will ๐Ÿ™‚

Kudo Norihide
Kudo Norihide
8 years ago

Thank you for this information.

Pierre-Marie Veil
Pierre-Marie Veil
8 years ago

Great post Karim. I had an idea about some of the marketing trick’s,and have always been skeptical about Whey and Casein.

Wayne Guzman
Wayne Guzman
8 years ago

The stuff they put in products for us to eat is shocking!

Rishi Bhalla
Rishi Bhalla
8 years ago

I love good old chocolate milk.

Amoka Napua
Amoka Napua
8 years ago
Reply to  Rishi Bhalla

Can’t beat it.

Joel Yoelsen
Joel Yoelsen
8 years ago
Reply to  Rishi Bhalla

This is fantastic after a long run!

Jessica Campbell
Jessica Campbell
8 years ago
Reply to  Rishi Bhalla

Ditto ๐Ÿ™‚

Bogdรกn Elek
Bogdรกn Elek
8 years ago
Reply to  Rishi Bhalla

Same here ๐Ÿ™‚

Khalid Ksikes
Khalid Ksikes
8 years ago

These products promise you the earth and it’s just lies.

I put on lot of pounds taking Whey a few years ago.I now work out and a few days ago started eating from you’re meal plan.

Khalid Ksikes
Khalid Ksikes
8 years ago
Reply to  1didieci

Thank you Karim, I accept and will get back to you ๐Ÿ™‚

Carlos Pintor
Carlos Pintor
8 years ago

Yeah it all makes sense to me now.

Rani Koshy
Rani Koshy
8 years ago

It was nice to hear this topic from another angle ๐Ÿ™‚

Surรกny Lehel
Surรกny Lehel
8 years ago
Reply to  Rani Koshy

This was a very refreshing read.

Abia Steinbach
Abia Steinbach
8 years ago

I’d rather eat food than take these stupid powders.

Jessica Campbell
Jessica Campbell
8 years ago

I love this one great points.

Walter Fahr
Walter Fahr
8 years ago

I’m an ex bodybuilder myself Karim. This was a very difficult read for all the years I use to abuse my body.

Teyo Astorga
Teyo Astorga
8 years ago

This was a great one, and so different to typical blogs or news-outlets.