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Lennerd Alfring
Lennerd Alfring
6 years ago

Love the passion on here you correct but it’s very deep and funny too 🤣🤣🤣

Greg Bolle
Greg Bolle
6 years ago

The energy drinks for me and switching for coconut water as you said last time.

Tim Krist
Tim Krist
6 years ago

The white bread and rice, Alcohol, cereal and fried foods for me.

Karin Reger
Karin Reger
6 years ago

I’ll need this for the summer thank you for the advice Karim 🙂

Jutta Schurz
Jutta Schurz
6 years ago

This was a real wake up call for me I’m taking this seriously! Thank you for putting this together I needed this.

Flora Lasco
Flora Lasco
6 years ago

I am a Di1 and Alcohol as you said is a poison so it’s not healthy to drink, I’ve off alcohol since coming to your site in 2014 and I feel much better like I’m in a better position in my life now, I use to be depressed but now I’m very much the opposite and I’ve stop ageing so much now. I would encourage anyone who still drinks to stop you will feel better believe me.

Malen Jones
Malen Jones
6 years ago

Great article keep this up!

Rachel Herbert
Rachel Herbert
6 years ago

I just want to live longer and I feel confident I can because of the consistent gems I’m picking up from you. I’ve decided to go for my dreams to think bigger and leave my mark on the world, getting in great shape and looking after myself has also pushed me because I’m seeing the results from taking your advice and it works. 🐾

Brook Strong
Brook Strong
6 years ago

I’m with you on this 💜

Tye Jacobs
Tye Jacobs
6 years ago

I not a big drinker but I’ve not drunken anything this year that will ruin my weight loss gains as it’s just stupid to do so. I’ve been a Di1 only since last year but you’ve influenced me to the point where I’m the healthiest one in my family!

Thank you for all you’ve done for me 🙂

Robert Stokes
Robert Stokes
6 years ago

I like this article so much thanks for covering.

Johnny Maita
Johnny Maita
6 years ago

I’m lucky I found this out now then, I’ve been getting in my own way all this time oh my god 😒

Taj Singh
Taj Singh
6 years ago

I’m addicted to Coffee and I see it now as I drink 8 cups in one day 😁

Ismael Nores
Ismael Nores
6 years ago

Fantastic article once again! I thought this was helpful thank you Karim.

Thiago Lain
Thiago Lain
6 years ago

The fried food is of the menu now 🙂

Priscila Espiga
Priscila Espiga
6 years ago

I drink only 2 coffees a day in the morning and evening times.

Lola Aguila
Lola Aguila
6 years ago

Energy drinks I thought it was helping me after all that😤

Felipa Tenorio
Felipa Tenorio
6 years ago

I first arrived at Di Nutrition 4 years ago and I was pretty much wasted all of the time, now I’m sober and eating much better all my meals everyday (I use to skip meals) I replaced the drinks with water, milk and orange juice and I feel much healthier because of it .

Juliana Beladad
Juliana Beladad
6 years ago

I’m done with the white grains from now, I did notice I felt sleepy after having a load of white grains.

Gustave Ancel
Gustave Ancel
6 years ago

Thank you for the enlightenment Karim I’m thankful for the work you’re putting in to this.

Wesley Davis
Wesley Davis
6 years ago

I used to be a big drinker, but you’ve managed to encouraged me to always go for the option that will help my body over pleasure. Thank so much for that.

Christian Verley
Christian Verley
6 years ago

Great list I wont be eating these again.

Jean-Paul Poussin
Jean-Paul Poussin
6 years ago

I’ll cut down on my drinking intake.

Karim Sayegh
Karim Sayegh
6 years ago

Well said all of these make me very tired indeed.

Marwan Amari
Marwan Amari
6 years ago

I drink way too much coffee especially now in the summer. I’ll cut down to one cup every morning.

Sari Palo
Sari Palo
6 years ago

White rice and bread for me.

Anja Juho
Anja Juho
6 years ago

I’m done with all of them now to be honest with you Karim, I loved this article I learned so much.

Maria Zorzi
Maria Zorzi
6 years ago

Thanks to you I no longer drink any form of alcohol because I’m losing so much weight to ever go back 😊

Natalia Farino
Natalia Farino
6 years ago

I’m working on getting rid of them all.

Tony Farinelli
Tony Farinelli
6 years ago

I’m not drinking anymore alcohol and white grains.

Ricky Hyo
Ricky Hyo
6 years ago

Sugary cereals is of the menu now.

Veraaj Pachehra
Veraaj Pachehra
6 years ago

I think all of them have to go but I’ll start off with coffee.

Pranva Nijasure
Pranva Nijasure
6 years ago

Great article Sudah brought me here.

Jama Vadekar
Jama Vadekar
6 years ago

Love the tips Karim fantastic site, Sudah brought me here.

Rishu Gurnani
Rishu Gurnani
6 years ago

Sudah brought me here, I drink a lot of Coffee and I need to cut down asap.

Benji Dalavi
Benji Dalavi
6 years ago

I came across you because Sudah suggested checking you out, I’m now a Di1 I’ve signed up!

Anil Patel
Anil Patel
6 years ago

Thanks for the tips..Sudah brought me here.

Gary Shrivastav
Gary Shrivastav
6 years ago

I’m done with all of them I only want fresh food from now on in my body.

Yogarasa Dhibar
Yogarasa Dhibar
6 years ago

I drink 6 cups a day so I need to drink less.

Jamie Grant
Jamie Grant
6 years ago

I use to be a big drinker but I’ve cut down to a beer a month since finding your site.
Going to the bed has been a big part of my life but I’m really working on drinking more water,
as If suffered so much due to drink. By the end of the year I wont be drinking any but it’s
a process and I no longer get drunk any more either.

Danni Riley
Danni Riley
6 years ago

I’ve been sober for the last 3 years and as you already know I’ve lost 20 pounds with you on your program.

For anyone who may read this just know the drink is stopping you from seeing the best results when I stopped drinking

I lost so much weight but then also Felt healthy inside so please stop putting that shit inside you.

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