During the day it’s pretty normal to have your energy levels soar and slightly fall throughout the day.
Many factors affect your energy ebb and flow such as physical activities, stress levels (Click Here) and of course the food and drink you consume.
Snacks on the side usually refuel us and make us feel like we’ve got more energy. What is not really spoken about though is, the foods that actually drain your energy (Including the ones that claim they actually do give you energy when they don’t!).
So without further- ado here are the 6 Energy Draining Foods You Must Stop Eating.
Breakfast Cereals With Added Sugars
Many foods in the supermarket that are boxed up are loaded with added sugars, which, when you start consuming regularly can start draining our energy levels right down.
Breakfast cereals spring to mind because it’s the most important meal of the day, so what you put in your mouth is vital for your energy throughout the entire day!
Most cereals for example have way too much sugar in them and are very colourful.. It’s like a poisonous frog if it’s colourful and bright, you can bet your money it’s poisonous.
I’d also like to point out that these particular cereals have low fibre count which is the whole point of breakfast cereal. It’s meant to have high fibre in it, period (Click Here).
The solution to this is simple, opt for cereal that is not sweet, you already know the ones I’m listing; Weetabix, Porridge/Oatmeal, Bran Flakes/ Fruit & fibre, Cheerios (Not the sweet versions, white box only!) etc.
These all contain at least 4 to 5 grams of fibre per serving.. and when I say at least, that’s like the mandatory requirement or it’s trash. All these cereals I mentioned have way more fibre than 4 to 5 grams.
White Bread & White Rice
Another way to get energy is through grains which are high in carbs, they provide the body with lots of energy throughout the day.
The same cannot be said about processed grains, like for example, white bread and white pasta, when it comes to energy levels just consuming these would be very bad indeed.
The fibre which was in the grain in the first place, in the outer layer of the grain, has been removed during the processing stages. For that reason, processed grains contain lower levels of fibre and are digested and absorbed much faster than whole grains.
So picture eating a meal or a snack rich in processed grains.. you’d eat it and then there would be a quick rise in blood sugar and your insulin levels, before a crash back down to earth with the drop of energy.
If you eat whole grains then the opposite would happen, your blood sugar levels would keep your energy at a constant level throughout the day.
So I think this one is pretty clear, start purchasing whole grain bread & rice to keep your energy levels up.
Why anyone would drink Coffee is beyond me it’s disgusting! But putting my ill feelings aside for all of you Coffee drinkers out there, I’ve got some news for you.
When consumed on occasions (When I say occasions I mean you’re not addicted to it more than 3 times a day) then Coffee has positive and mental physical benefits.
It helps reduce diseases such as Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s. As you may already know Coffee gives short-term boosts of energy to the functioning of the brain, which of course many people rely on like a crutch when they’re feeling tired.
This is not the way to go because it’s no better than taking drugs. Instead of getting your 8 hours (Click Here) and eating healthy, which will boost your energy for much longer, you’re deciding to take a quick boost that relies on your taking more and more within the hour, let alone during the night, which has its downside.
If this sounds like you, then you should know that Coffee will cause your body to build up a tolerance. What I mean, is it will reduce the power it used to have to keep you up anyway.. then you’ll just be a fiend, drinking more and more with no reward.. and doze off (I hope you don’t pee yourself).
Too much Coffee also has a bad effect on your sleep, which of course, reduces your energy levels during the day and in the long run, if you are frequently doing it.
No more than 3 cups of Coffee during the day, some may disagree and say 4 cups.. then to that I say, well you’ve got a problem.
Alcohol..Need I say anymore?
To save this from being the shortest section I’ve typed, let me continue for kicks.
Alcohol is a poison, Alcohol will also kill you.. Alcohol will bring your energy levels down.
If you’re a drinker of Alcohol you’re simply new around these woods, because I know that the majority of Di1’s either gave up their alcoholic desires or they never drank in the first place!
So for the newbies, I say this to you; really think about what you’re doing to your body, to your brain, liver etc and make a choice to start cutting down on your intake of Alcohol to the point where it’s just a few glasses of poison a year.. Or at best, like how most of the Di1’s have done, to be completely Alcohol free, because if not.. your energy levels will not improve, your health will not improve and you’ll just be assisting your own death, which I don’t want to partake in or witness, to be frank.
This is without even mentioning all of the reasons why, for your weight loss/health goals, it’s a bad idea and basically just throwing your ambitions or progress in the bin.
Ok I’m done talking about legal class A’s! let’s move on.
Energy Drinks
It’s a well known fact that Energy drinks can provide you with a short-term energy boost.
But to say that Energy drinks can give you energy, long-term or are even healthy for you is nothing short of a lie (Click Here).
When it comes to sugar these energy drinks contain high amounts of sugar, as much as 10 teaspoons (52grams) per bottle.
Of course as I mentioned before consuming high amounts of added sugars can cause your energy to spike, then drop right down pretty quickly, this will leave you feeling more tired than you did before drinking.
The energy drinks are just like the Coffee, if drunk regularly you’ll end up building a tolerance to it. Which means that you’ll have to consume a high amount to experience the same energy-boosting effects.. where it differs from Coffee is that over time this could lead you to having Type-2 Diabetes.
Fried & Fast Foods
This is a complete no-no! If you’re going to get to your Weight loss/Health goals then you’re going to have to eat healthy foods, which are cooked properly and not fried in oils that are no good for us, such as Vegetable oil (Click Here).
Fast food is not food at all, its trash fit for the bin, filled with high contents of fat and low in fibre, giving you no nutrients whatsoever and feeling hungry and seeking more from the trash.
Eating too much trash will overfill you, which will drain your energy level straight to 0 and you will not have enough energy to want to do anything for the next couple of hours.. you may even go for a snooze for several more.
I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…
What Do You Make Of All This?
What Energy Draining Foods Are You Now Done With?
What Is Your Coffee Intake Like During The Week?
If You’re A Di1 Please Share Your Thoughts On Alcohol Consumption & How It Has Changed Since Coming To Di Nutrition!
Of course any other questions are always welcome just leave a comment below
Until Then Ciao
We Look Up大
Love the passion on here you correct but it’s very deep and funny too 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks Lennerd 😄 🙏🏿
The energy drinks for me and switching for coconut water as you said last time.
Well remembered 😀
The white bread and rice, Alcohol, cereal and fried foods for me.
Yes it’s time.. well done for that I’m happy to know this Tim 🙂
I’ll need this for the summer thank you for the advice Karim 🙂
No problem Karin 🙂
This was a real wake up call for me I’m taking this seriously! Thank you for putting this together I needed this.
Good on you Jutta! I’m happy to put this up for you, I’m here for you whenever 🙂
I am a Di1 and Alcohol as you said is a poison so it’s not healthy to drink, I’ve off alcohol since coming to your site in 2014 and I feel much better like I’m in a better position in my life now, I use to be depressed but now I’m very much the opposite and I’ve stop ageing so much now. I would encourage anyone who still drinks to stop you will feel better believe me.
Preach that Flora wow! I’m really happy to see this boss up, I know there is more to come from you keep going! 🙏🏿
Great article keep this up!
Thank I will do Malen 🙂
I just want to live longer and I feel confident I can because of the consistent gems I’m picking up from you. I’ve decided to go for my dreams to think bigger and leave my mark on the world, getting in great shape and looking after myself has also pushed me because I’m seeing the results from taking your advice and it works. 🐾
Wow I’m very happy you told me this! It makes all of this worthwhile to hear the impact it’s doing, I’m happy it’s working and may it continue to do so.. Thanks you for sharing Rachel 🙌🏿
I’m with you on this 💜
Thanks Brook
I not a big drinker but I’ve not drunken anything this year that will ruin my weight loss gains as it’s just stupid to do so. I’ve been a Di1 only since last year but you’ve influenced me to the point where I’m the healthiest one in my family!
Thank you for all you’ve done for me 🙂
Aahaha that’s great news Tye! I’m proud of you in not much time at all you’ve made smart moves, keep it going and add more healthy ways to your arsenal I’ll help with that 😉
I like this article so much thanks for covering.
You’re Welcome Robert 🙂
I’m lucky I found this out now then, I’ve been getting in my own way all this time oh my god 😒
Not your fault Johnny but I’m glad I’ve been able to help you 🙂
I’m addicted to Coffee and I see it now as I drink 8 cups in one day 😁
The irony of this is.. When you convert that to water you’ll be straight Taj 🙂
Fantastic article once again! I thought this was helpful thank you Karim.
Thanks I’m glad you think so Ismael 🙂
The fried food is of the menu now 🙂
Excellent (Mr Burns Voice) 😄
I drink only 2 coffees a day in the morning and evening times.
Cool yeah you’re not addicted 🙂
Energy drinks I thought it was helping me after all that😤
Nah a bottle of sugar, it’s not your fault the advertisement is a lie.. just make sure to spread the word 🙂
I first arrived at Di Nutrition 4 years ago and I was pretty much wasted all of the time, now I’m sober and eating much better all my meals everyday (I use to skip meals) I replaced the drinks with water, milk and orange juice and I feel much healthier because of it .
I’m done with the white grains from now, I did notice I felt sleepy after having a load of white grains.
Yeah it does that to you.
Thank you for the enlightenment Karim I’m thankful for the work you’re putting in to this.
Thanks Gustave.. I’m thankful that you feel enlightened 🙂
I used to be a big drinker, but you’ve managed to encouraged me to always go for the option that will help my body over pleasure. Thank so much for that.
You’re Welcome Wesley 🙂
Great list I wont be eating these again.
Thanks Christian 🙂
I’ll cut down on my drinking intake.
Great to know Jean-Paul 🙂
Well said all of these make me very tired indeed.
Thanks.. Nice name by the way 😉
I drink way too much coffee especially now in the summer. I’ll cut down to one cup every morning.
Ok Marwan that sounds like a plan, make sure to replace the cups of Coffee you are no longer drinking with water instead.
White rice and bread for me.
Nice 🙂
I’m done with all of them now to be honest with you Karim, I loved this article I learned so much.
Good Anja! Thanks I’m glad you loved it 🙂
Thanks to you I no longer drink any form of alcohol because I’m losing so much weight to ever go back 😊
No words needed.. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 🙌🏿
I’m working on getting rid of them all.
That’s what I want to read.. It my take some time but it will be worth it in the end Natalia 🙂
I’m not drinking anymore alcohol and white grains.
Good for you Tony 🙂
Sugary cereals is of the menu now.
Great Ricky your teeth will thank you for it 🙂
I think all of them have to go but I’ll start off with coffee.
Straight Upppppppppp!
Great article Sudah brought me here.
Love the tips Karim fantastic site, Sudah brought me here.
Thanks Jama and ahaha yes I saw his video telling everyone to check the article out 🙂
Sudah brought me here, I drink a lot of Coffee and I need to cut down asap.
Yeah replace the Coffee with Water and your good to go Rishu!
I came across you because Sudah suggested checking you out, I’m now a Di1 I’ve signed up!
Yeahhhhhhhhhh I’ve just seen your sign up.. Welcome aboard I can’t wait for you to get the full experience 🙂
Thanks for the tips..Sudah brought me here.
You’re Welcome Anil and cool 🙂
I’m done with all of them I only want fresh food from now on in my body.
Straight upppppppppp!!! That’s the way Gary 🙂
I drink 6 cups a day so I need to drink less.
For sure replace the 6 cups of Coffee you’re drinking with water and then you’ll the difference 🙂
I use to be a big drinker but I’ve cut down to a beer a month since finding your site.
Going to the bed has been a big part of my life but I’m really working on drinking more water,
as If suffered so much due to drink. By the end of the year I wont be drinking any but it’s
a process and I no longer get drunk any more either.
I’m happy to find out you’re making adjustments to something you’ve struggled with for the longest, I’m also glad that Di Nutrition has really helped you along the way also this makes it all worthwhile.
Thanks for sharing this with us and I know you’ll be down to 0 by the end of the year Jamie 🙂
I’ve been sober for the last 3 years and as you already know I’ve lost 20 pounds with you on your program.
For anyone who may read this just know the drink is stopping you from seeing the best results when I stopped drinking
I lost so much weight but then also Felt healthy inside so please stop putting that shit inside you.
Yes I doooooooo Danni I’m so glad you mentioned this,thank you for letting them know I could not of said it better myself! True Di1 that goes all the way no excuses We Look Up 大 👏🏿 🙌🏿 🙂