4 Healthy Whole Grain Foods That You Should Purchase Today

Grains are the staple food in the majority of households all across the world.


The three parts of grains are Bran (The Outer layer), Β Germ (The seeds embryo) & Endosperm ( The Germ’s food supply).


Now, Whole grains are simple grains which mean they have all three in them. Whole grains tend to be very high in Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Phosphorus & Selenium B Vitamins.


Making the smart choice and choosing whole grains over refined grains will decrease your chances of getting chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, Stroke and Cancer. Β Β 


Without further-ado here are 4 healthy whole-grain foods that you should purchase today!



Make sure you get yourself some Oats. Oats are one of the healthiest Whole grains you can eat, on the planet.

Not only are they jammed packed with Vitamins, Minerals and fibre but they’re also naturally Gluten free.


What you will also find with Oats is that they’re rich in antioxidants, which reduce the risk of certain types of cancers and lowers our blood pressure.


Be sure to pick up some Oats, this will help any of you who are not eating your breakfast in the mornings (Click Here)


The types of Oats to get are as followed.. Whole Oats, Steel-cut Oats, Oat Groats, Instant Rolled Oats & Scottish Oats.

KEYNOTE: Remember all of these above are Whole grain Oats anyway, this is purely if it doesn’t say Whole grain on the packet!


Any other type of Oats are either not Whole Oats such as Oat bran or like instant Oatmeal which is just more processed and more than likely will contain added sugar Β which is a straight no-no.


Brown Rice

It’s no different to Pasta (Click Here) Brown Rice will also be healthier than its counterpart, White Rice.


This is because Brown Rice Β is Whole Grain, which means it contains the entire grain including the Bran, Germ & Endosperm.


On the other hand the White Rice has been tampered with for a longer shelf life, which means they remove the Bran & Germ.. thus turns to trash!

Brown Rice is also naturally Gluten-free too. It also has health benefits such as…

Reduces Heart Disease

Reduces blood sugar levels

Reduces Inflammation

Reduces LDL Cholesterol (The Bad One)



Quinoa is a South American Grain that is a well known superfood!


This grain goes way back to the point that we can call it an ancient grain. Despite its age it is packed with more Protein, Minerals, Healthy fats and fibre than the really popular grains such as Whole Wheat, Oats etc.


Quinoa is also a great antioxidant which is great to get rid of harmful molecules AKA free radicals. These free radicals have been linked to chronic diseases like chronic Inflammation, Heart disease & Cancers.


Quinoa is among the few plants that provide you with complete proteins, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids. This makes it a great option for Vegans & Vegetarians.


One more thing, although people call Quinoa a grain.. it’s actually a Pseudo-grain (A seed from a shrub or bushy, non-grass plant that is used in much the same way as cereal grains)



Popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks you can eat.


It’s a special type of corn that of course pops under high heat. Corn kernels contain a tiny amount of water, which turns to steam when you heat it and then it causes the kernels to burst.


Most people don’t get that Popcorn is actually a Whole grain food. It’s high in important nutrients such as Manganese, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Phosphorus & Vitamin B.


Popcorn is very high in fibre 100 grams (3.5 ounces) which provide 14.2 to 14.5 of fibre.


It’s best if you make it at home, as purchasing prepackaged microwave bags of popcorn can contain harmful chemicals.


The Elephant in the room is the Cinema varieties.. they are typically filled with Salt or Sugar which is bad for our health.



I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…


What Wholegrain Foods Will You Be Purchasing Today?


Are You Surprised Popcorn Was Among The Four Mentioned?


Will You Be Switching To Brown Rice From Now On?


What Did You Make Of All Of This?


Of course Any other questions are always welcome just leave a comment below


Until Then Ciao

We  Look Up 倧 

Karim David

The Healthy One


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Sergio Buteo
Sergio Buteo
6 years ago

This is fast becoming my go to site for healthy eating!

Sara Voorde
Sara Voorde
6 years ago

Yes I’ll be making the switch, thanks for the tips.

Evelien Wiedemann
Evelien Wiedemann
6 years ago

I think this will better my health now.

Sayana Pandey
Sayana Pandey
6 years ago


Greg Thompson
Greg Thompson
6 years ago

Brown rice & oats!

Paulina Flake
Paulina Flake
6 years ago

I’m going to start in the morning now, this has really motivated me to start having Breakfast.

Shanish Prislaeu
Shanish Prislaeu
6 years ago


Finaly Cooke
Finaly Cooke
6 years ago

Popcorn as I never knew it was healthy.

Charles Best
Charles Best
6 years ago


Steve Emerson
Steve Emerson
6 years ago

Brown Rice.

Deron Marsden
Deron Marsden
6 years ago

All four.. all in one πŸ™‚

Nelson Lytton
Nelson Lytton
6 years ago

Yeah the Popcorn threw me a bit.

Jason Wales
Jason Wales
6 years ago

I don’t really have rice that much, but when I do I’ll buy brown now.

Ty Windos
Ty Windos
6 years ago


Jimarcus Smith
Jimarcus Smith
6 years ago

I’ll swap white rice for quinoa and brown rice πŸ™‚

Kiyana Sherlock
Kiyana Sherlock
6 years ago

The oats.

Jessica Fooard
Jessica Fooard
6 years ago

Popcorn all the way πŸ™‚

Debara Vance
Debara Vance
6 years ago


Petsha Morely
Petsha Morely
6 years ago


Dane Ford
Dane Ford
6 years ago

Homemade popcorn!

Zindelo Powell
Zindelo Powell
6 years ago

It’s got to be Popcorn.

Albert Isalmov
Albert Isalmov
6 years ago

I’m eating Oats in the morning.

Trevon Omar
Trevon Omar
6 years ago

Yes I was thinking Popcorn how can it be, thanks for the explanation.

Keram Timayev
Keram Timayev
6 years ago

Great tips here thanks.

Simon Jacob
Simon Jacob
6 years ago

I’ve gone and replaced my white rice now with brown thank you.

Barry Piyassili
Barry Piyassili
6 years ago

Wholegrain foods taste better than I thought it would, I’m cutting down on the processed now.

Dan Biru
Dan Biru
6 years ago

It’s like you’re reading my mind, I needed to know all of this.

Surati Silooy
Surati Silooy
6 years ago

Thanks for the tips Karim.

Rovanio Yuming
Rovanio Yuming
6 years ago

Nice πŸ™‚

Angel Ruiz
Angel Ruiz
6 years ago


Linda Coronil
Linda Coronil
6 years ago
