Most of you will know that eating healthy and regular exercise are very important for your weight loss goals to come true, however did you know there is a third important element to this?… Sleep.
For a lot of you this may come as a surprise, but I’m here to tell you if you’ve been overlooking the importance of sleep you know… few hours only, playing video games into the wee hours or getting (god forbid) no sleep at all! You’ll be kicking yourself once you have seen this video below.
If you’d like to know more in depth about the scientific studies about the importance sleep then please (Click Here)
Your chances of weight gain with a lack of sleep will increase both as an adult and a child, plus an increased chance of disease. Whereas, if you get a great night’s sleep, you will eat less, workout better and be so much healthier and happier.
So if you are still reading this and it seems like something you want to pursue for your health and well being, then without further ado…..
Here are 3 ways to sleep better tonight.
Wake Up At A Consistent Time- This is very important for better quality of life let alone for your weight loss goals! As your body needs to get into a rhythm so it can align itself with the sunrise and the sunset.
Being consistent with your sleep and waking up / going to bed on time will in the long term boost your sleep quality, and as I said above improve your quality of life and you’ll see some weight loss progress being made.
The weekend will either make you or break you. I say this because on weekends as a whole we seem to go to bed later at night, which then leads to us getting up way later than planned!
Don’t make this amateur mistake thinking you can make up for it in the coming days, it’s never paid off before has it? Every time you feel worse, you look worse and everything you do now when awake is affected because of it.
When you become consistent during the week and on weekends, and slay that urge to have a late night weekend… you’re going to be way ahead of the pack who are just rolling the dice with their fingers crossed, and that’s no way to live a good life now is it?
Don’t Drink Caffeine In The Evening- Caffeine has many benefits such as enhancing your focus & giving you energy. Something you should be aware of though when consumed during the evening time, studies show that there is high chance of your body not being able to relax at night.
I did a little digging and in one study, if you consume caffeine up to six hours before bed it significantly destroys your sleep quality.
In general caffeine stays elevated in the blood for 6 to 8 hours. So therefore, drinking large amounts of coffee in the evening time or even late afternoon is not advisable.
It amazes me how many people who are caffeine sensitive or have trouble sleeping still drink caffeine, especially coffee which keeps you up!
DID YOU KNOW?: A fun fact for you – Caffeine is consumed by 90% of the US population.
Reduce Blue Light Exposure In The Evening- Exposure to the light during the day is vital, but not so much during the night.
Being exposed to blue light during the night essentially tricks your brain into thinking that it’s still daytime. This then reduces hormones like melatonin, which is the hormone that helps you relax and unwind for that deep sleep you’ve been craving.
So for that reason blue light is the worst in that regard, with so many electronic devices like Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and computers. Luckily I know of some ways to help you fight back against the blue light in the night time….
For Laptops & Computers: you can download an app called F.lux (Click Here) this helps block out the blue light. I have personally used this myself since 2014 and I’ve not looked back since. No more strained eyes or bad sleep because I was in the dark with a bright blue light beaming into my eyes. When the sun sets so does your laptop and computer. It’s really cool when you think of it like that, and you’ll see the difference in your sleep with this app.
For Smartphones: As of this year I found an app for my Smartphone called Twilight (Click Here) (Just like the movie with the vampires). Credit to them; so far so good, this has benefited me because I’m now able to have the choice to use my Smartphone more frequently if I choose to… rather than avoiding using it when the sunsets because of the blue light.
For TV: I’m hearing about people starting to wear glasses in the evening time whilst watching TV, but I’ve not tried this out personally yet… as for one thing, I’m not really into watching TV and certainly not enough in the evening time to want to wear glasses and secondly, watching TV 2 hours before heading to bed with the blue light exposure is bad for your health.
DID YOU KNOW?: It will take you 2 to 3 days to get used to F.lux (Click Here) as the screen gives off a red light instead of the blue one you have become accustomed to.
Not to worry though, after the 2 to 3 days, you’ll not notice a thing and other people will just randomly say “Hey how come your screen is red?” and you’ll be like |” Huh really?… oh it’s that app F.Lux” etc.
I really enjoyed sharing with you 3 ways to sleep better tonight.
Please do let me know though…
What do you make of all this?
Have these tips benefited you in anyway?
Have you worn glasses for watching TV in the evening time yet?
Of course Any other questions are always welcome just leave a comment below
Until next time Ciao 🙂
We Look Up 大??
Wow this was amazing I’ve been struggling with my sleep for years! thank you for this.
This was a great way to end my night 🙂
This rocks Karim thanks, You’re a live saver!
I’m very impressed with the content keep it up!
I never knew about the blue light and it’s effects gosh! thank you so much.
Great post Karim
I’m a big drinker of coffee after lunch, so this why my sleep is so awful 🙁 thank you though for the tips 🙂
I’m going to try these out tonight thanks Karim 🙂
Thank you for the amazing tips 🙂
Powerful stuff!
I’m going to start following your advice on this.I was unaware of all of this information you’ve shared, and now I’m really determined to have a good nights sleep for once.
You should I’ve only downloaded the apps so far, but I’m working on the other two ASAP.
I had a baby 4 weeks ago and it was a traumatic experience! But my baby is fine now.
I didn’t sleep for days then I got very anxious! I was so tired and couldn’t sleep! When my baby is alseep I’m awake! I have a lot going on in my life at the min.
So I stop drinking tea and coffee in the afternoon’s and evenings, got the apps suggested and I’ve had much better sleep than I’ve ever had in a long time.
Thank you so much Karim! you’ve saved my life.
Wow first off congratulations on giving birth ? & I’m really happy this post has helped you get some good nights sleep… even though you have a 4 month year old crying all the time ?
This was priceless thank you for sharing ??
Thanks You’re the best XXX❤️
Why Have I not heard of you sooner! Man you’ve got better tips then these health magazines i waste my money on.
Thank you
This is the truth.
I have to agree with you on this one.
I’ve have insomnia quite often and I was drinking way to much coffee, but not anymore I slept so good the other night I’m sticking to this.
Great work again Karim!
Hey Karim, I’ve just downloaded twilight for my phone.
All the french people need to see this right now 🙂
Lol Unlucky at the Euros 🙂
I gave this a go, and had much better sleep than I’ve had in a very long time.
Great content as usually. Keep up the good work!
Are these apps free or do I have to pay for them ?
No payment just download 🙂
Excellent I’ll download straight away.
I’m Very happy about you sharing this. I was considering buying medication from the counter, but I tried out your tips and I’m sleeping better for now.
Thank you Karim 🙂
Thank you for passing down your knowledge to us.
Yes Thank you Karim You’re the best!
Super content Karim 🙂
F.lux Is great thanks for the recommendation.
Not over it being so red yet, but I am getting sleep so no complaints.
This really had everything in it for sleep 🙂
Took the words out of my mouth.
What about working out before bed ?
If it means you get it then yeah, It’s better than no exercise at any time! Though I don’t do it myself as I’m consistent with my workouts so It’s already done way before than + I don’t fancy getting all sweaty before bed…. thank you for your question Jordan 🙂
I’m working hard on my time management. My biggest enemy is the weekend like you mentioned, so I’ve taken away I must work on this now rather than later.
The apps have been the most helpful, thank you karim 🙂
This was very useful for me thanks.
I’ve got into a habit of eating tea and biscuit before bed, I’m going to try and cut that out so I can get better sleep.
I never knew anything about the blue lights, I downloaded them both straight away. Great content again Karim Bravo!
My sleep is ridiculously poor and needs improving. Thank you for the pointers friend 🙂
I only sleep 4 hours a night and I’m struggling to stay awake during the day. This couldn’t of come at a better time for me.
Great job Karim this is very good of you.
He actually listens to our problems.
This is great information, thanks a lot!
I enjoyed reading this so much 🙂
Using twilight for my phone now cheers bud.
Fantastic advice 🙂
cool blog
This has inspired me to sort out my sleep patterns, thank you so much!
I agree.This post has inspired and motivated me to get to bed better.
I thought this was a great post Thanks 🙂
I’ve only discovered your site this year, but I can honestly say that every single post I’ve seen has helped me in a major way. Thank you so much for all of this.
I’m glad you finding the content useful 🙂 Margriet thank you! I appreciate you for the support and comment ❤ ✌️ ✌️
This is great for me to read on my phone, thanks for the information.
Super sleep content Karim, good acting 😉
Haha why thank you Iwasaki 😉
You have a nice smile 🙂
Thank you Justino ??
The glasses I wear in the evening time are amber ones, they really help to block out the blue light from the television screen.
Cool thank you for letting me know this Siert 🙂
I never really had trouble sleeping until recently. Now, it takes me an hour normally to wind-down, which I usually use to solve whatever problems I’m having. When I think about it, it probably happened about the same time that I purchased a new TV. Where previously, I would read a book or watch TV on my old humble TV.
Anyway, I’m looking forwards to trying this. If the blue light from the TV is keeping me up, this will save me at least an hour a day. And I like that I can easily test it with the glasses.
What about lamps in the nighttime ?
Make sure they are not giving off blue light, get a different colour lamp instead like red or pink… hope that helps 🙂
Thank you so much for that 🙂
When I first read this article I was skeptical … but now having tried blue-light cancelling apps for myself, the effect on my own sleep cycle has been profound. Thank you for this article!
I can relate I thought it was going to be no good, in fact it is very useful.
Thank you for explaining it in simple terms that I understand now 🙂
I drink way too much coffee in the night, I’m stopping now as my sleep is no good.