3 Lessons From The 2020 Tokyo Games

The Olympic Games in Tokyo was a Unique one, as we all know, with 0 crowds and a worldwide pandemic keeping the athletes locked in for 16 days.

We saw a games where the athletes had their own thoughts on the most part to deal with and not outside pressure of fans making noise to put them off, or even to spur them on, just thoughts.

For me, it was a slow start, but it really picked up when the track events started across the field of sports.

It’s an Olympic game I will not forget, was it the best one ? Not even close…

However, it came with 3 lessons that we can all learn from, and use in our lives for our minds and body to keep it healthy and well.

So I’m going to share the 3 lessons with you below.

Stop The Superhuman Cap!


The Olympics advertisements and media are to blame for this, to sell and make profit they spun this lie that these athletes are superhuman, and although it sounds cool/you know deep down there is no such thing…


It has a knock on effect when we keep hearing this; it puts the athlete on a pedestal so high the fall could kill the athlete!


The knock on effect of the public is it starts to slowly burn away at them, that they are just humans like that is not a gift, and they are more of a being than you are…



Don’t get me wrong loads will be inspired too, I’m one of them to do better and to do more, but the fact is we are all human beings first, save this superhuman stuff for the movies.



Nobody is perfect, things happen and lessons are learned, and we saw with Naomi Osaka, Jade Jones, Simone Biles & many more that on a grand stage champions fall too, champions can opt out of an event if they feel like it…



That is a basic human right, this is not a dictatorship. No matter what anyone says, you know if you feel good, and you should always listen to yourself and your body.



You should never just do something because of the pressure of the public, especially something that could injury you, the same ones who are shouting at you for not doing something, will they take care of you when you are sick?



Will they pay your bills? At best, they can be annoyed at you, but so what…  These types you need to cut out of your life anyway, a test of a true champion is how he/she gets back up and for example for Simone that’s what she did when she received a bronze medal.



I’m sure when it’s all said and done, that bronze will stick out more, as she had to dig deep and mentally support herself to get that medal.


Lastly we all have hopes and dreams, but to live through someone else is death, to yourself and a waste of life on your part, because you have a set of skills that the person you are putting on a pedestal does not have.



When things go wrong now, and you turn on them because you wanted them to win so much, but really it’s for yourself to boost you, like it’s you…


We must watch that, and be happy for them but not act like it’s really you, I’ve seen this before, and it’s a very fine line, so watch it.


New Exp Now Not Later


We all talk about new exp, but how many actually live it daily?


One could argue and say everyday is a new exp, and it’s true but I’m talking about actively doing things that are new to you daily.


You could learn about something, go some place you’ve never been, listen to new kind of music etc.



For me this summer I ate food from the UAE for the first time, and enjoyed it & cannot wait to try it out again asap.



It’s about subtracting what no longer serves you anymore and adding new strings to your tennis racket.. Yeah I did not want to say bow!



For me at the games I watched new sports such as rock climbing, to be fair I thought it sucked but I took that exp and thought what else have I not seen that I might enjoy watching?



Then I started watching Hockey and saw India’s men team beat GB, it was a good match but again it’s not really my bag but I’m happy I got to see it for what it is.



So then I decided I wanted to exp watching Skateboarding at the Olympics, as other than playing the Tony Hawks game on the Playstation  years ago, I’ve never really seen the pro’s compete it in real life.



I saw both the park & the street events male and female. I really enjoyed it as it was so fun to watch the tricks, plus see what it takes to skate and just WOW!


What I loved most is that unlike most other sports, Skateboarding had a range of ages…



The youngsters took over and won the medals granted, and that was so cool, but there were older skaters in their late 30’s to 40’s going up against  12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 & all the 20’s years of ages… That’s madness!



So I have 0 regrets watching Skating this was a great addition to the Olympics & I cannot wait until the Paris games to watch it again.


If I had just sat and watched what I enjoy most at the games which is Track & Field, Gymnastics & the football, I would not be learning nearly as much as watching something I’ve never seen before, or do not watch often.


Don’t Let Your Ego Control You

Now I’m sure we all saw what happened after the 100m race when defending champ Elaine Thompson-Herah
retained her Olympic Gold from 2016 In Brazil, with Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce & Shericka Jackson.

In the heat of the moment the ego took over Shelly & Shericka as they really wanted to get the gold.

It’s clear they are much closer than Elaine is with either of them, I don’t think they really like each other.

However, when you are running in a relay race for your country, you need to drop the ego’s as there is bigger thing at stake.

Repping your country with your ones relying on you to win, especially on the country’s Independence Day!


You leave that to one side, and you focus on the win, this is what a true champ does and this is what they all did.


The rest was their herstroy as you saw them mash it up & blow the rest of the women out of the water.


So many times in your own life we can ruin a good chance, by not being able to drop your ego and unite for a bigger cause.


Your ego will make a fool out of you if you let it make your choices for you, what you eat, how you work out and why.


Keep a level head, stay calm and make choices that will be best for you & if it means you have to team up with someone you don’t like that much, but it’s for a good cause than you should always do it.




I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys.


  Please do let me know though…


What Was Your Fav Part Of These Games?


  Which Of The Three Stuck With You The Most?


How Are You Feeling Today?


Until We Meet Again, Ciao

  We Look Up


Karim David

The Healthy One

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Tanesa Groves
Tanesa Groves
3 years ago

I like what youre saying here, the ego stuck out the most to me.
Sometimes I feel like I can get like but for work, so I felt that one the most.

Lisa Garriques
Lisa Garriques
3 years ago

The superhuman part.

Breeon Stair
Breeon Stair
3 years ago

Nice, very well said.

Shonelle Stewn
Shonelle Stewn
3 years ago

New exp.

Corine Wade
Corine Wade
3 years ago

The new exp one

Tashelle Powell
Tashelle Powell
3 years ago

I love this bro!

Jennifer Rickerby
Jennifer Rickerby
3 years ago

This was very good, I’m happy that the trackstars got it sorted out.

Courtney Ludlow
Courtney Ludlow
3 years ago

Thank you for the share.

Olivia Prislaeu
Olivia Prislaeu
3 years ago

This is so powerful, thank you for sharing this.

Tina Gomez
Tina Gomez
3 years ago

I love your whole outlook in life, thank you so much for this.

Tye Solone
Tye Solone
3 years ago

I’m doing good, and it’s soild as always.

Jamila Ascue
Jamila Ascue
3 years ago

Not waiting for new exp to come, you just take them now.

Elizabeth Nembhard
Elizabeth Nembhard
3 years ago

It really helped me out seeing the young skaters in Tokyo, the adults respected them and it
motivates me to go for my goals.

Angelique Ledwick
Angelique Ledwick
3 years ago

Medal worthy indeed.

Shalesia Winter
Shalesia Winter
3 years ago

I cannot choose all three, amazing stuff.

Chrystyna May
Chrystyna May
3 years ago

Not letting the ego control you.

Tasiya Nixon
Tasiya Nixon
3 years ago

I have a page full of notes on this, thank you very much.

Shakia Beard
Shakia Beard
3 years ago

Feeling good, this gave me a lot to think about in my own life.

Tim Jameson
Tim Jameson
3 years ago

The womens 100 meters.

Melcia Hyde
Melcia Hyde
3 years ago

ETH creating history.

Mathias Sternz
Mathias Sternz
3 years ago

New exp now & not later

Gray Adamsen
Gray Adamsen
3 years ago

I’m doing much better thanks, you know I’ve taken up yoga now as you suggested and it’s helped my back pain.

Carl Eriksen
Carl Eriksen
3 years ago

Going for new exp now.

Jennie Thuesen
Jennie Thuesen
3 years ago

Mental health matters so much and I’m glad it’s covered on here.

Bii Dall
Bii Dall
3 years ago

I liked watching the boxing.

Felix Mørch
Felix Mørch
3 years ago

All of the running.

Jeppe Lund
Jeppe Lund
3 years ago

The superhuman cap.

Mikkel Juhl
Mikkel Juhl
3 years ago

The ego one.

Nikolai Jeppesen
Nikolai Jeppesen
3 years ago

I like this new section, this is helping me deal with stress.

Tom Høj
Tom Høj
3 years ago

BMX riding.

Marina Thorup
Marina Thorup
3 years ago


Kelvin Wulff
Kelvin Wulff
3 years ago

Epic bro!

Frida Lorentzen
Frida Lorentzen
3 years ago

No limits on where you can take this, keep going.

Margrethe Carstensen
Margrethe Carstensen
3 years ago

I love this! I bought your meal plans last month, I’m losing so much weight I could cry.. Thank you!

Dorit Thuesen
Dorit Thuesen
3 years ago

Don’t let your ego control you for me.

Amy Hald
Amy Hald
3 years ago

I really thought it would be called off, but i did enjoy it for what it was.

Elisa Berg
Elisa Berg
3 years ago

This was a fun read, I’m glad I did read it.

Alberte Johnsen
Alberte Johnsen
3 years ago

Thank you so much for this! stop the superhuman cap is the best part to me.

Vanessa Haagensen
Vanessa Haagensen
3 years ago

Why can’t I read this kind of content on the bbc!?

Grethe Ravn
Grethe Ravn
3 years ago

Thanks for the share, enjoying life now thanks to you.

Carlijne Versteege
Carlijne Versteege
3 years ago

New exp have to happen now not later.

Valerie Witpaard
Valerie Witpaard
3 years ago


Marj Woestman
Marj Woestman
3 years ago

Track and field events.

Linda Booij
Linda Booij
3 years ago

Thank you for the support.

Nor Kenkhuis
Nor Kenkhuis
3 years ago

Working hard on my mindset since coming to your site. This is helping me so much, thank you.

Katie Giessel
Katie Giessel
3 years ago

So happy to have seen this, I needed this so bad.

Miesje Snippen
Miesje Snippen
3 years ago


Annelies Lubking
Annelies Lubking
3 years ago


Val Hoppen
Val Hoppen
3 years ago

I’m sharing this with my friends.

Lotte Keus
Lotte Keus
3 years ago
