Coffee is a very popular beverage all across the world.


As so many of you Di1’s are drinkers of Coffee, I thought it’s time to cover..


the benefits and what you must watch out for when consuming Coffee.  


The Benefits


Energy Booster

Much better than those Energy/Fizzy drinks which all have added sugar in them..


Plus it lasts for a longer period of time than Energy/Fizzy drinks ever could (Click Here)


Drinking Coffee is said to help aspects of our Brain function, energy levels & overall mood.   


Aids Fat Loss

It’s one of the very few natural substances that can help aid fat loss.


It only aids you for a very short window, so don’t assume that all you can do is drink Coffee and lose all of your weight.

It’s never that simple!


Many studies that have been carried out usually come to the same conclusion that Caffeine can increase fat burning and boost metabolic rate.


Contains Important Nutrients

This is something that can never be taken away from Coffee, it contains several important nutrients such as..

Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium, Niacin & Riboflavin.


Less Likely To End Up With Type-2 Diabetes

With Type-2 Diabetes being a big health problem affecting millions of people across the globe, I’m more than happy about this one.


It’s not quite known why Coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of getting type 2-Diabetes but.. 


On further investigation many studies show that people who drink Coffee have a lower risk of 23%-50% of getting the disease.


Lowers Risk Of Certain Type Of Cancers

Coffee lowers the chance of getting certain types of cancers such as..

Colorectal &  Liver Cancer.


It’s also important for me to let you know that Colorectal & Liver Cancer are the 3rd & 4th leading forms of Cancer worldwide.


Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of having both!


Watch Out Though!

Here is a list of some cons to consuming way too much Coffee which is anything more than 2-3 cups in a day!



Digestive Problems

Muscle Breakdown

High Blood Pressure



High consumption, especially unfiltered Coffee & Espresso has been associated with mild elevations in cholesterol levels.


Like I said above, anymore than 2-3 cups of Coffee in a day is too much and this could increase your chances of Heart disease.


Lastly any benefits from Coffee will be thrown out of the window if you go adding things.


For example added Sugar & Cream is not healthy for you and will increase your chances of getting chronic diseases, as well as gaining fat and calories.



 I really enjoyed sharing this with you guys. Please do let me know though…


Be Honest, Are You Drinking Over The Recommended Amount? 


What Is Your Fav Coffee To Drink?  


What Did You Make Of All Of This?


Of course Any other questions are always welcome, just leave a comment below


Until Then, Ciao

We  Look Up


Karim David

The Healthy One




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Rachael Wall
Rachael Wall
5 years ago

I thought this was fair and insightful thanks 🙂

Ali Ramirez
Ali Ramirez
5 years ago

Funny I was wondering about if I drink too much Coffee
this morning, turns out I do.

Leah Andrews
Leah Andrews
5 years ago

I hate Coffee but I’m going to show off to my family tonight with
what I now know!

Martha Lloyd
Martha Lloyd
5 years ago

I’m drinking way over the limit, I feel so guilty.

Sienna Johnson
Sienna Johnson
5 years ago

Thanks for the tips Happy Easter!!!

Evelyn Stevens
Evelyn Stevens
5 years ago

Well said Karim 🙂

Niamh Moore
Niamh Moore
5 years ago

Exactly the info I’ve been searching for!

Arjun Chaney
Arjun Chaney
5 years ago

I’m going to drink less now.

Brenton Chen
Brenton Chen
5 years ago

I’m drinking way too much
at least double what you suggested lol!

Alvaro Lopez
Alvaro Lopez
5 years ago

I like it black.

Thomas Richards
Thomas Richards
5 years ago

Killed it once again, thank you so much for the heads up.

Demetrius Bright
Demetrius Bright
5 years ago

Love this Karim!

Fred Jones
Fred Jones
5 years ago

Nice article my man!

Aiden Cunningham
Aiden Cunningham
5 years ago

I drink way more than 3 cups I need to cut back so bad

Aiden Shaw
Aiden Shaw
5 years ago

Wow well over the limit 🙂

Christopher Watts
Christopher Watts
5 years ago

Thanks for the tips brother.

Harrison Stone
Harrison Stone
5 years ago

It’s going to be hard because I’ve been drinking
lots through out the years but no pain and all that.

Tobias Richards
Tobias Richards
5 years ago

1 and half cups a day.

Lenny Sutton
Lenny Sutton
5 years ago

5X per day 🤪

Brody Porter
Brody Porter
5 years ago

Thanks for the heads up Karim

Lucas Nicholson
Lucas Nicholson
5 years ago

No wonder I feel really weak and sick when I drink 8 cups a day 🤒

Louis Barns
Louis Barns
5 years ago

I only drink Coffee with milk in it.

William Mccarthy
William Mccarthy
5 years ago

I’m drinking way over what I’m supposed to, but I’m going to cut back from today.

Edison Hussain
Edison Hussain
5 years ago

1 or two per day

Esmee Pearce
Esmee Pearce
5 years ago

I’ll stick to your recommendations thanks ☕️

Milena Powanda
Milena Powanda
5 years ago

I drink 4 during a day so I will slightly cut down now. This really helped thanks

Monika Hyjek
Monika Hyjek
5 years ago

I much rather drink Tea, but I thought this was still good.

Berenika Grzegorzewska
Berenika Grzegorzewska
5 years ago

Just two cups ☕️☕️ I’m glad I done something right today 🙂

Max Burton
Max Burton
4 years ago

Fuck Cancer! I actually got sober and started drinking caffeine instead along with water. I need to drink less caffeine though.

Genowefa Krasny
Genowefa Krasny
4 years ago

Thanks for the warning my friend.

Klel Ikonowicz
Klel Ikonowicz
4 years ago

There’s always great benefit in reading your articles thanks.

Winter Johnson
Winter Johnson
4 years ago

You make my life so much healthier 🐐

Lara Wilson
Lara Wilson
4 years ago

I drink black Coffee three times a day should I still cut back?

Jill West
Jill West
4 years ago

Detention for me then I have so man during the day that I always need the bathroom 🙂

Ava Mitchell
Ava Mitchell
4 years ago

Home made Coffee I always drink one a day.

Skye Howard
Skye Howard
4 years ago


Fern Stevens
Fern Stevens
4 years ago

I like Crismocha

Sia Wilkinson
Sia Wilkinson
4 years ago

Cinnamon coffee

Brooke Burk
Brooke Burk
4 years ago

A latte

Beth Shaw
Beth Shaw
4 years ago

3 cups sometimes 2

Krystyna Traczyk
Krystyna Traczyk
4 years ago

My fav are Lattes

Zoe Lazarska
Zoe Lazarska
4 years ago

Kenyan coffee is the best.

Celina Napieralska
Celina Napieralska
4 years ago

So long as it’s roasted I’m fine

Dżesika Wielenga
Dżesika Wielenga
4 years ago

Aha this was so me dreaming about coffee that boy at the top! Thanks for the advice.